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  • Wednesday, November 20, 2024 10:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Fred Jewell

    RCB Mileage Contest 2025

    And now for something completely different – the Pony Express, RCB style! Yes, I know each year’s mileage contests are already completely different, and often don’t really have miles involved, but this year’s contest is truly different: It DOES involve actual miles traveled! Another big change is YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN. 3rd change is the raffle is going to be held at the RCB Christmas party (or holiday potluck, if you prefer) and I will proxy those contestants who aren’t able to attend the party. As usual, the contest is only open to RCB members in good standing, and the contest duration is from April 1, 2025 to September 15, 2025. No purchase necessary, the prize is a set of tires for your motorcycle, installed by A&S. Randy has once again generously donated the installation to the winner of the tires.

  • Friday, July 12, 2024 6:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Maggy Mini, RCB Prez

    Well, the month of June has come and gone but a lot did happen in June. Ken led the monthly ride to Poor Red's driving his Miata (his XR was in the shop).
    At the monthly meeting a fellow motorcycle rider waltzed in looking for one of our members. It seems that our member lost his tank bag the prior month and this rider found it and dropped it off. Not wanting to give his name he just wanted to help a fellow rider. It’s great to know that there are people we don’t know willing to help out.
    One week prior to the Rally I rode up to Spokane to attend my great-nephew’s high school graduation meeting up with more family members.
    Finally, the MOA rally is here. I rode from Spokane to Redmond passing BMW riders who rode in from all directions, it was exciting to see fellow riders on the road.
    We had 44 RCB members attend the rally but that wasn’t enough to win the “largest chartered club” that went to NorCal BMW club with 80+ member attendees. Thanks to Jack Klauschie for reserving club camping and to Bob Raster for bringing pop ups, tables and ice chest.
    We also had our longest day of the year on June 20th. Welcoming the Summer Solstice and the beginning of summer.

    Safe riding

    Maggy Mini, Prez and First Gentleman

  • Thursday, April 11, 2024 4:02 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Maggy Mini, RCB Prez

    April is known as the best month to look up to the skies and watch meteor showers, the start of warmer weather and super blooms! But this year on April 8 there was a total solar eclipse . In California we only saw a partial eclipse which was not even noticed. I gazed into the sun with my Solar Eclipse glasses and was able to see the partial eclipse but after a couple of glances it wasn’t too exciting. So, If you miss this eclipse the next one will be in 2044. Hmmm where will I be? Finally, it didn’t rain on our April monthly ride. We had 13 riders and rode highway 49 to snow along Rawhide Road to CA-108. Enjoyed lunch at 50s Roadhouse in Knights Ferry. Good company, nice roads, and excellent weather. This month we’ll have a tech day “fixing a flat”. If you plan to attend, please register on the event calendar. This is a hands-on event. You will need to bring your own fix flat kit and we will provide tires for you to practice on. Place: TBD by how many register. April 26-28 is the “Coastal Classic to Morro Bay” planned by Bob Rasters. It looks like 10 will be attending. This is a fun event with a great ride to the coast, and yummy food. The survey was emailed to all members in March, and we had 55 of our 151 members complete the survey. Their names were placed into a drawing for a Susie’s breakfast certificate and the winner was Ralph Duff. Woohoo! Following our May 4th club meeting is our Memorial poker run. Ken will be planning a route through the foothills ending at our host Mike Ledbetter’s house, with lunch prepared by Fred. Fred will be fixing his ‘World Famous Fajitas’. There is a registration fee of $10 which includes lunch and the first poker hand. See event calendar for more information. The weather is getting better so it’s time to prep your motorcycle with new tires, maintenance, battery, new seat and some bling . Safe riding!

      Prez and First Gentleman

  • Monday, March 18, 2024 8:27 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Maggy Mini, RCB Prez

    We welcome spring on Tuesday, March 19 at 11:06 pm with the arrival of the spring equinox and the time change on March 10 setting our clocks forward and robbing us of 1 hour of sleep, but giving us more light at the end of the day.

    Our first event of the year is the “Whale of a Tour” March 8-10 planned by Greg Peart. Hopefully they will have no rain.

    Jack Klauschie is planning a track day at thunder Hill on April 15 for more info you can contact him at jackklau@comcast.net.

    April 26-28 is the “Coastal Classic to Morro Bay” planned by Bob Rasters. 7 rooms are on hold till April 18. This is a fun event with a great ride to the coast, and yummy food.

    Registration for the 49er Rally opened. Early bird registration of $125 includes tent camping and your Saturday dinner thru April 30. May 1 the registration is $150. RCB will be handling the Poker Run. Gordy will oversee the event and our ride Captain Ken will plan the routes, they have been overseeing the poker run for 5 +years. I’ve talked to Wynne Benti of NorCal who is charge of scheduling events at the rally and she is excited that RCB is handling the Poker Run ♦ ♣

    A survey will be emailed to all members this month requesting what you want from the club. If you complete the survey your name will be placed into a drawing for a Susie’s breakfast certificate. Hopefully you’re getting in a ride between rain storms. Enjoy!

    Safe riding!

    Prez and First Gentleman

  • Friday, February 02, 2024 3:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Maggy Mini, RCB Prez

    February Happy Groundhog Day! Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, meaning an early spring is on the way. But he’s only 40% right most of the time so hopefully we’ll have some nice spring rides days. January ended with 3 beautiful days hope you got to enjoy them riding. A&S hosted the presentation of the BMW R1300GS with a great turnout. The new GS was very impressive with advanced technology and lotsa bells and whistles. But if you want to know first-hand just ask ride captain Ken, as he trampled everyone to be the first person to sit on the GS! February’s Saturday monthly ride will depend on if it rains. Check the RCB website forum. The Ladies luncheon ride/meetup is Saturday, February 17. Jeanie Thurston has planned a squiggly route turning the 5-mile route to Rocklin into 20 miles. Woohoo! March 8-10 is our first RCB event “Whale of a Tour” planned by Greg Peart. Check the RCB website forum for details to make room reservations which need to be made by February 15. Fred has posted on the RCB website Home page all his “Rules and Regulations” for this year’s Mileage Contest - “Beemer Bingo”. It seems the destination sites are a secret till April Fool’s day!! So be prepared to be surprised!! Future events to start planning for are the MOA Rally in Redmond, Oregon, June 13-15 and the RCB Manchester Fall Classic, October 4-6. The RCB Manchester committee had their first kickoff planning meeting. Vice Pres, Ray Nuguit is the Committee leader. The Committee consists of Bob Rasters, Heidi Weiland, Marv Lewis and myself. Feel free to dazzle the committee with any questions or ideals you have regarding this event. Safe riding!

  • Thursday, February 01, 2024 12:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Fred Jewell

    Starting April 1, this year’s contest consists of visiting sites on the bingo card and getting a picture of your bike at the sign for each site. Everyone gets the exact same 6 x 6 bingo card, and each bingo will have a certain number of raffle tickets assigned to it, a minimum of one and a maximum of twelve. There are only 81 tickets available in total, so a single ticket has more value this year. All the locations are within the state of California except two, which are in Nevada. There are free spaces on each line (except one diagonal) so you can get most bingos with only five sites visited on each. As you send your pictures to me, either by email (frebeck94@gmail.com) or my phone (916 230 0951), I will check off the spot on your bingo card and alert you when you have scored a bingo. Continue collecting sites and scoring bingos until September 15. The raffle will be held once again at our Manchester Beach event in October, and you must be present to win the set of tires mounted on your motorcycle. The bingo card will be unveiled on the RCB website on March 31, and physical bingo cards will be distributed at the April club meeting for those who don’t know how to hit the print button on their computer. Good luck and good riding!

  • Thursday, January 04, 2024 4:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Maggy Mini, RCB Prez

       Happy New Years to All!  

    We ended 2023 with our last two events - We had a great turnout for our annual Christmas party at A&S. We had 80 party goers filling all chairs and enjoying a buffet of yummy food, and our very own Elf raffling coveted prizes. Next year we may need to add another table from 10 to 11.  The Toy Run for the “Sacramento Children’s Receiving Home” (CRH) was greatly enjoyed by the children and staff.  We had 13 members who, BBQ hamburgers, hotdogs with fixings and visited with the children. This year we added a CRH donation link on the website, received donations of $440.  The CRH was very appreciative of the generosity of toys, gift cards and money donated by you all. Fred Jewell, as always did a great job in organizing this event.

    It’s a new year -2024- We have a lot of rides planned this year such as the monthly rides, Wednesday dinner rides, scheduled riding events planned by members, ladies’ luncheon, Fred’s riding contest, and the MOA rally in Redmond, OR. To participate in all these rides check out the website’s event calendar for more info. You can also plan a ride and don’t be surprised if other members join you as you could end up in Mexico, Europe, or even Alaska!

    Elections in December went off without a hitch and so far, no protesting or riots! All the members listed below are passionate about motorcycles, riding and having fun. They have stepped-up to keep club,

    Our new Officers are me as President, Mark Naber as Treasurer, Jean Cordalis as Secretary and Ray Nuguit will continue as Vice President.

    Directors- Bob Brown, Ken Caruthers, Rick Kilton, Marv Lewis, Al Morrison, Gordy Olson, Bob Rasters, Greg Smith, Karl Weiland, Fred Jewell.

    Working behind the scenes and greatly appreciated is Jack Klauschie - Newsletter editor, Heidi Weiland- Membership Administrator and over achiever Ken Caruthers- Director, Webmaster, and Ride Captain.

    I’m excited to be your President, but I have all the above members, “YOU” and the “First Gentleman” to support the club in this year’s riding adventures!

    Let’s ride,

     Prez & First Gentleman

  • Tuesday, November 28, 2023 9:27 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Fred Jewell, RCB Prez

    Here it is, my last monthly column as president (again), and it seems like the year has gone by too fast. I have enjoyed being president (again) of the club; I truly have found some wonderful people in this organization, and I believe we have a most excellent club because of them. I also believe it’s a good time to get some new perspectives on what the club does and how we do it, and having Maggy as president next year is a way to do it. She is going to be great. I know it. Please give her the support you have given me in the past year. We will be going through the motions of electing officers and directors Saturday morning, so if you want to be part of the operations of the club make your presence known.

       Just because the weather is turning colder doesn’t mean we’re not doing anything; we’ve got the holiday potluck/Xmas party coming up on the 2nd with lots of great raffle prizes and the SCRH toy run and BBQ on the 9th. Because we want to give our members time to prepare their favorite item for the party, there will be no club ride Saturday. Rest assured though that, weather permitting, we will have club rides in the months ahead, and look for a New Year’s Day ride too, which this year will be held on January 1. (A nod to Mike Miller there).

       Just because I’m not going to be president next year doesn’t mean I’m going to fade away, I’ll be on the board of directors, I’m currently working on next year’s mileage/destination contest, Bloody Marys will still be served at Manchester Beach, and of course I’ll organize the Toy Run/BBQ again. It’s going to be another fantastic year with the RCB, I know it!

       So in conclusion let me say it’s been my honor and privilege to have served in this club, and I hope to see you on the road next year. Get your bikes ready, now is the time to do it. Don’t be one of those who show up at the national rally with cords showing on your tires! Which reminds me, the national is going to be in Redmond, OR and I would love to see us turn out in numbers that will win the #1 club award again. Everyone take care, be safe, and go out and ride as much as you can.

  • Thursday, November 02, 2023 7:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    While Maggie Mini has decided to become our next president, that leaves a couple of positions open.
    First is to replace Maggie as secretary (if that’s even possible!), hopefully someone that’s good at taking minutes at the BOD meetings and formatting them properly.
    Second, Greg Smith has bowed out of becoming treasurer due to personal reasons, so we do need someone with an interest or experience in maintaining our club’s finances (and to keep Gordy from spending too much!). If we don’t get enough people interested in these positions now I may postpone elections for a month until our December meeting.
    Please let me or any other board member know of your intentions towards helping our club run as efficiently as possible in the year to come. Thank you for your support, Fred Jewell (president again but not for much longer)

  • Monday, October 23, 2023 4:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Fred Jewell, RCB Prez

    If you haven’t figured out by now, I was able to make it to Manchester Beach and enjoy a wonderful weekend with absolutely the best motorcycle club. Becki was able to get around on her wheelchair by herself and had friends over to help, so it worked out for me to leave, but it may have contributed to my “crabby bartender” shtick I portrayed. I do want to thank everyone who helped put on the event, in particular Karl and Heidi, Bob and Terri Rasters, Marv, Ray, Lisa Cornelius, and others I’m sure I forgot. It would not have been the excellent event it was without them.

    November is almost here and that means elections! By that I mean the important ones – officers and directors for the club. Maggie Mini has decided to run for president, and I can’t think of anyone better than she for that position. She is an excellent rider with extensive experience with how the club functions through her service as club secretary. That means we will need someone to fill that position, and I hope there is someone out there who will, please let me know. Greg Smith is going to give it his best as treasurer to relieve Gordy, which means there is a director position open, which if no one steps up I will fill that one myself. I believe all the other positions are remaining as is, but I do hear that Heidi is grooming someone for the appointed position of membership director.

    November is also the month we plan out the next year’s events, and this year we are going to be doing that at the regular board of directors meeting on the ninth at Pete’s Brewhouse in Folsom. I encourage anyone who wants to volunteer or has an idea for an event to attend. Please realize that space is limited there, and you are on your own for dinner and drinks. The food and service are very good there, worth it just for that.

    Bob Findlay was the winner of the tires in the Where’s My Name contest. He had the most raffle tickets of those attending which gave him the best odds, although Larry Campbell was very close. Both members should be very thankful that last year’s winner, Chris Navarrete, who went to every location in the Ride to Eat contest, went to every location in the Where’s My Name contest but was unable to attend Manchester Beach. He is an air traffic controller and often works 6 days and double shifts. Bob did tell me he set out to go to every location this year, but a faulty alternator on his bike (Yikes!!!) prevented him from doing so. He did say the tires helped soothe the pain of having the alternator replaced by a little. Congratulations to him, Larry, and all the others who participated. Now look forward to next year’s contest, which I’m calling Beemer Bingo. Stay tuned for details, I’m still working on it.

    Even though the weather is starting to change, we still have lots going on in the club. The Fall Colors ride is going to be the club ride, there will be a Day After Thanksgiving ride, the club Holiday Potluck is coming up, as well as the toy run and BBQ. The road goes on forever and the party never ends! (Who did that song?)

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The River City Beemers BMW Motorcycle Club is a recognized enthusiasts BMW club and is not associated with BMW AG nor BMW North America.
Copyright © 1982 - 2017 All Rights Reserved
River City Beemers • PO Box 2356 • Fair Oaks • CA • 95628
is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization.
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