Welcome to the River City Beemers Website

  • Wednesday, February 01, 2023 8:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Fred Jewell, RCB Prez

    February. Not the best month for motorcycle riding, even around here, but compared to the climates in many places I’ve lived around this country, it’s almost tropical. Just think about hopping on your bike in Denver, Omaha, Chicago or Stamford, CT right now and you’ll be thrilled with our climate, which, by the way, is looking really good for our club ride this Saturday.

      Speaking of rides, it looks like Terry Lee is getting things together for our unofficial first group ride of the year, going to Morro Bay. If you haven’t gone on this ride before I strongly suggest you do, as it has many things we like to do as RCBers, which is to ride twisty roads, eat good food and drink adult beverages. Riding highway 1 is an incredible route to ride to get there. The Hearst Castle is well worth seeing while you’re down there, just make reservations well in advance. There is plenty of shopping and restaurants in the Embarcadero in Morro Bay, And Solvang is close enough for a day trip. Check out the motorcycle museum there. Paso Robles has a reputation as having wine as good or better than Napa, so wine tasting is available nearby.

      I have just about finished the locations for our mileage - I mean destination - contest. Look for it showing up on the forum next month as the start date is April 1. Rules and the prize for the winner will be announced in March also. Needless to say this one will be easier to understand and to earn raffle tickets for the prize. I’m fairly certain that Chris won’t be able to go to every location this time, but you never know with him.

      Greg Gibson is currently working on a 4 day ride in northern California that is motel oriented, and I think it is going to be really good, I can’t wait for the details to come out, stay tuned. And the best part is, no camping involved!

      So it’s kind of a slow month for the club, but a lot of stuff is coming soon, so get your bikes ready, (maybe ask Gordy to tune your carburetors) and we’ll be on the road in no time.

  • Monday, January 02, 2023 11:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Fred Jewell, RCBPREZ

    Well, I think it's been around 11 years since I last wrote one of these columns, so bear with me as I get back into it. Let's just say it's an honor to be president of this club once again, and I hope to do it justice.

    A lot of things have changed since I was president last:

    - Money and budget issues are not at the forefront as they once were.
    - Membership is up, and significantly so.
    - More members are stepping up to volunteer or organize events.
    - Covid. Enough said. I'm just glad to see our club survive (and thrive) after some      tough times.
    - Bikes have gotten even better. I love that R1250RT motor!

    I am also in the midst of completing the latest rendition of the annual mileage contest, which does not actually involve racking up huge miles, but does involve going to places all over the state of California. It's similar to last year's, but this time raffle tickets will be earned instead of points, with no location being worth less than one raffle ticket, and some worth 10 or possibly more. The locations were picked by me being reminded of places that sounded like member's names. I will say that Caruthers, CA and Jewell, CA figure prominently. If you have an idea of one that fits your name, send it to me, and I'll add it in if I haven't already.

    As for events this year, I see that there are some camping events, more camping events, and even more camping events, so if you like to camp, you're in the right place. I do know that there are some motel-oriented events that some members are currently working on, so stay tuned. One in particular that I discussed with a member sounded very interesting, I'm sure it will come to fruition, that particular member is an expert at organizing just such an event.

    I'm really looking forward to continuing on with moving the club forwards as the previous presidents have before me, without them stepping up I don't know where the club would be today.

    One last note: the Board of Directors meeting place has changed to Pete’s Restaurant and Brewhouse, 6608 Folsom-Auburn Rd. in Folsom. See you there January 12 at 6 p.m.

    So if you're going somewhere, ride there. It's why you bought the motorcycle, isn't it?

  • Sunday, December 04, 2022 6:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Gordy Olson, RCBPREZ

    This is both the last President’s Corner of the year and my last President’s Corner for my current term as RCBPREZ.  It is hard to believe that 2022 is almost over, but I think it has been a great year for the club.  We are almost fully recovered from the pandemic and our recent rides and meetings have been drawing record crowds.  I have a feeling that 2023, under Fred Jewell’s experienced leadership, is going to be even better.

    The annual Christmas/Hanukkah/Eid/Kwanzaa/Winter Solstice Party was a huge success.  I was very sorry that I was unable to attend personally, but I was excited to hear that the actual elf from the movie (“Elf”) covered for me and handled the emcee role with dignity and aplomb.  I couldn’t have done better myself!  I hear that there was plenty of food and drink, but that the real joy was the affection we all have shown for each other.  We even got to celebrate “Jack the Lawyer’s” 70th birthday (with “Jack the Other Lawyer” in attendance!). 

    In keeping with the spirit of this “season of miracles,” Fred Jewell actually bought raffle tickets (Miracle #1) and then proceeded to win a personalized Bloody Mary apron (Miracle #2).  WHAT ARE THE ODDS????  We all look forward to seeing him model his outfit proudly at Manchester Beach next October.  Save the date!

    The annual Toy Run is coming up December 10 at the Children’s Receiving Home.  RCB and the Vagos will join in our traditional role of representing the best and worst, respectively, of motorcycle clubs that day with gifts and food for the children experiencing some really hard times.  That annual event is probably the only time an outlaw motorcycle club and an ATGATT-believing BMW-centric bunch occupy the same space and time.  Maybe there is hope for world peace after all.

    I have truly enjoyed my most recent term as RCBPREZ and wish Fred all the best for the future.  The club is in very good hands indeed.

    Ride safe, often and as fast as practicable!!  

    Cheers, Gordy (your soon to be RCBPREZ Emeritus)

  • Wednesday, November 02, 2022 10:14 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Gordy Olson

    Attention, readers!!!  This Saturday, November 5, is Election Day!  I know some media sources are reporting that Election Day is November 8, but that is “Fake News”!  Sure, folks around the country will be choosing senators, congressmen, and governors on November 8, but the really critical election is November 5 when RCB’ers around the globe will be selecting their new leadership.  Please come to the monthly meeting and cast your ballot as you wait to hear your raffle number called.  At least on November 5, YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!  (BTW:  Dominion Voting Systems has nothing to do with the RCB vote count, so you can stop worrying about any potential ballot shenanigans!)

    This year is flying by and we are already getting prepared for bigger and better things in 2023.  The annual RCB planning meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 6, from 5-7pm at the Roundtable Pizza at Greenback and Madison.  In addition to lively debate about the future of the club, there will be free pizza and beer!!  Be there if you want to have a say on what's gonna happen next year.

    The annual Holiday Party is also coming up soon on December 3 at A&S from 6-9pm or thereabouts.  In addition to food, beverages, and good fellow- and galship, there will be mega-raffle!!  Rumor has it that elves may be there, but you never know. 

    As the weather cools and (hopefully) the rain arrives, don’t be like our brothers and sisters in the Far North and just park your bikes for the winter.  Remember: There is no bad riding weather only bad preparation and bad equipment.  With heated grips, seats and vests there is no reason not to get out there and ride.  Just watch out for that little blinking snowflake on the instrument panel!

    That’s it for now.

    Cheers, Gordy (Your soon-to-be-ex-RCBPREZ)

  • Monday, October 03, 2022 8:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Gordy Olson, RCBPREZ

    Hard to believe, but it is already October and 2022 is about to be in our rearview mirrors.  It has been quite a year and so far RCB has weathered it extremely well.

    My original plan for this month’s Prez Corner was to do a thorough critique of all the problems at the Gary Stofer Memorial Manchester Beach event.  I have always wanted to be an investigative journalist and blow the cover off some sordid scandal by exposing all its flaws and shortcomings.  Unfortunately, after exhaustive research on every aspect of the event the only problems I could identify were: (1) attendees seemed to be having too much fun and; (2) the weather was too perfect and the riding was too superb!  It was almost like I was living in Jimmy Buffet’s world where “The beer is too cold and the daiquiris too fruitful!”

    The Manchester weekend was everything the club stands for.  We had a fantastic turnout (87 members and guests), great food (some provided by club members and some catered), a roaring fire every waking hour, great scenery, a hot tub, plenty of beer and other libations, and continuous good humor.  The event could not have happened without the hard work of many members:  Karl and Heidi provided the home base for the event and hosted Friday night’s dinner and daily breakfasts.  All the Board members assisted in one way or another.  Scott handled the finances expertly (as usual).  Fred managed the “Ride to Eat” contest all year and presented the winner with his new set of tires (partially replacing the two sets of tires our winner wore out visiting EVERY RESTAURANT on Fred’s list).  Our hosts at the KOA were as accommodating as ever and both they and we are looking forward to next year’s event scheduled for October 6-8.  It is never too early to make your reservations, especially if you are planning on renting a Kabin.

    This November also marks a very important election.  In addition to selecting members of the Senate and House of Representatives (who cares?!???!), we will also be electing new club officers and directors.  While those on the left and those on the right will never agree on anything, all RCB’ers can certainly agree on the importance of keeping the club going by selecting folks with the time and commitment to make our great club even better in 2023 and beyond.  If you are interested in running, please let me know.  We will vote at the November meeting (November 5).

    Finally, I want to wish the club a very happy 40th birthday.  I see no reason why folks won’t be enjoying the benefits of club membership for another forty years.

    Ride safely, ride often, and ride just as fast as you are comfortable going (but no faster!)
    Gordy, RCBPREZ

  • Thursday, September 08, 2022 4:01 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Gordy Olson, RCBPREZ

    Greetings, all!  Yes, I am late again with The Corner but this time only by a week.  Last time I was a month late, so I am getting better.  Who knows, the October Corner may actually come out on October 1 (October Fool’s!).

    On to the news… I trust that most of you have been smart enough to limit your motorcycle time this past week to reading motorcycle magazines, polishing your bikes (assuming your garages are air conditioned), and planning for the upcoming Manchester Beach weekend.  With that segue, Manchester Beach is coming up fast!  In just three weeks we will be enjoying the coastal cool weather, the great roads, the giant raffle, and the camaraderie we have come to expect at Manchester.  This year we will also find out the winner of Fred’s “Ride to Eat” contest and someone will win a set of new tires to replace the ones he or she wore out trying to win the contest.  Please sign up on the RCB Forum so we have a good idea of how many attendees to expect.  In past years we have had upwards of 100 riders and guests there.  Let’s try to beat that this year in our first real post-COVID gathering.

    We have had good turnouts at our meetings and monthly rides as we all get back into the swing of things.  The Tahoe Chill was a bear-filled adventure with great food, perfect weather and plenty of storytelling around the faux fire.  We will definitely continue that tradition, so keep the middle of August free next year.  Many thanks to Jack and Lynell for the fantastic food.  You guys continue to spoil us every year.

    If you have ideas for rides or events please share them with the RCB Board.  You can e-mail us at board@rcb.org with suggestions.  Campers can come up with rustic trips and the non-campers can counter with rides to luxurious spas to pamper sore riding muscles.  Ideally, we can have something for everybody but we need your input.  Free beers can be available at either type of event.


    Ride safely once it gets cool enough to ride at all, Gordy (Your once and future prez)

  • Monday, July 25, 2022 3:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Gordy Olson

    This is a special Summer Edition of the President’s Corner, including my thoughts and ramblings for both July and August.  Some of you may be wondering why I decided to combine July and August into one edition this year.  While I am not at liberty to disclose the actual reason for this change (it is HIGHLY classified) and can state, unequivocally, that the reason some members have suggested (that I simply forgot to do a Prez Corner in July) is categorically false!!!

    On to the news… Club members are continuing to accelerate their post-COVID activity levels with noticeably higher participation in all our events – breakfasts, monthly rides, and special events.  The return of the Ride ‘n’ Bowl was a big success, although Yerington remains a very sleepy town.   The River City Beemer Bowlers were reminded of that fact when we finished bowling at about 7:45pm on Saturday evening and asked our waitress for some dinner recommendations.  Her response -- “It’s almost 8:00pm on a Saturday, everything is closed!”  -- tells you all you need to know about Yerington.  We did eventually find a little kitchen/cantina tucked in the back of the Latino supermarket and had a quite spectacular Mexican dinner.  Unlike the bowling itself, that portion of the trip was of the highest quality.

    Fred’s “Ride to Eat” continues apace. We have already had two special bonus rides and Fred tells me that lots of members are racking up lots of miles (and calories!) in pursuit of those tires.  A dozen of us rode up to Granzella’s on July 23 following a beautiful Ken Caruthers designed route through the farm country around Woodland and then up the Capay Valley.  There is still time to try to figure out Fred’s arcane rules and visit some of his favorite dining spots. Someone is going to win those tires and it might as well be me – I mean you!

    The Tahoe Chill is coming up soon (August 19-21) and the bears are expecting us. This is always a fun event with excellent food to complement the fantastic riding and relaxing options available up at Lake Tahoe. Sign up on the RCB website because space is limited.

    Finally, I would like to offer my warmest Happy Birthday greetings to our ride guru Ken on his 80th lap around the sun.  If his riding has slowed down any I would have hated to see him in his earlier and faster days.  He is a real asset to the club, and we all owe him a debt of gratitude for showing us the great roads hidden in plain sight around Sacramento. Happy Birthday, Ken, from all of us!!!

    Ride safely, ride often, and ride with your buddies!

    Gordy, Your Once and Future Prez

  • Sunday, June 05, 2022 11:37 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Gordy Olson

    I am a few days late with the “Corner” since I wanted to wait until the 49er Rally was over to file my report.  The 49er was the first real “post-COVID” rally and was ample evidence that our motorcycling friends are VERY ready to get back out on the roads with their buddies.  There were nearly 600 people up in Quincy (which is about 500 more than were up there for the last Beemer Bash!).  RCB was well represented with almost twenty folks that I counted.  Ken and I (mostly Ken) set up the two poker runs to help out NorCal.  NorCal was very appreciative of our efforts and both runs were big hits.  Overall, the rally was very well organized and well received by all the attendees.

    On the local front, our June meeting was well attended and the monthly ride to Priest Grade Station had plenty of riders.  Next month we will resurrect the Yerington Ride ‘n’ Bowl in keeping with our “COVID’s OVER!” theme this year.  To avoid a conflict with the July 4th weekend, the monthly meeting, raffle, and ride to Genoa, NV and on to Yerington will be July 9-10.  All the details will be posted on the Forum soon.  Rummage through your closets, find those RCB Squared bowling shirts and get them to the dry cleaners.  Wear them proudly to the meeting in July!!

    The “Ride to Eat” contest is in full swing.  There is a set of tires (as well as bragging rights) on the line.  More than anything, it is a good excuse to get out and ride the great roads that surround us.

    Ride safely, ride often and have fun!  You all deserve it.

    Cheers, Gordy (Your Once and Future Prez)

  • Monday, May 02, 2022 9:20 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Gordy Olson

    Spring has sprung and the roads are clear of snow in just about every direction!  Dr. Fauci has proclaimed that the “pandemic phase ” of COVID-19 is over and that’s good enough for me.  We have seen increased numbers of members at our monthly meetings and on our rides.  Hopefully those trends will continue and maybe even accelerate.

    On May 7 we will be resurrecting the annual poker ride and the sign up sheet is already on the website.  Signing up in advance helps with meal planning and lets our host, Mike Ledbetter, know just how many towels he will need to have ready for all the rope swingers.  This year’s event is free of charge with everyone getting a poker hand (assuming you complete the ride and correctly answer the questions) and lunch.  A $100 A&S gift certificate will be awarded for the high and low hands.  Runners up in each division will also get a prize (of significantly lesser value!).  There will also be a 50/50 drawing where you can spend as much of your own money as you want to sweeten the pot.  We will have our regular meeting and raffle over at Susie’s that morning before going over to A&S to start the poker run.  Ken and I have ridden the route and it is a beauty!!

    A number of our riding buddies are down in Morro Bay this weekend – more evidence that the club is definitely in the post-COVID afterglow!  Other events that are making their triumphant return this year include June’s Trinity campout and July’s Ride ‘n’ Bowl at the newly renovated Pioneer Crossing bowling alley in Yerington.   Details on those to follow on the website forum.

    This Memorial Day I am hoping that a lot of RCB’ers will be joining our NorCal brothers and sisters at the 49’er Rally up in Quincy.  RCB is handling the two poker runs that weekend and I would much prefer to give the prize money to one of our own, so sign up for the event itself and for the rides.

    Remember to ride your own ride, wear All The Gear All The Time, and spread the good word that COVID is (sorta) GONE and RCB is (completely) BACK!!!

    Cheers, Gordy  (Your Once and Future President)

  • Sunday, April 03, 2022 11:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Gordy Olson

    RCB’ers:  I have had it with all of you and am resigning as RCB President effective immediately, purchasing a Harley, and moving to Elko, Nevada!   

    BELATEDLY… April Fool’s!!!!!!

    But seriously, folks… Can it get any better than it was today on our glorious club ride throughout the foothills?  Captain Ken outdid himself finding new roads tucked in among the well-known routes we have all ridden before.  After a very nice turn out for the April meeting (we may need a bigger meeting room soon!), we had 19 bikes participate in the ride.  Both events show that the Club members (and the larger society, I presume) are finally coming out of their COVID-induced hibernation.  There is clearly a lot of pent-up demand with raffle ticket sales off the charts the past two months.  It will make our esteemed Treasurer clutch his spreadsheets even more tightly, but I may have to start spending more on prizes to meet expectations.

    Fred “Ride to Eat” Jewell’s brainchild is off and running.  Check the Forum for the latest rules (since Fred seems to add one or two each week) and get out there and find some new places to visit and enjoy.  We have been cooped up for too long.  LET’S RIDE!!!!!

    Make sure you sign up for the relocated 49’er Rally being held this year on the Memorial Day Weekend (as usual) but up in Quincy (rather than its tradition home in Mariposa).  RCB will be handling the poker runs (yes, there will be two of them!) with cash prizes to the lucky gamblers.

    The Yerington Ride ‘n’ Bowl is making its post-COVID return in July.  The lanes have been completely renovated although I doubt the same can be said of the River City Beemer Bowlers’ kegler skills.  No matter, as long as we all dig out those old “RCB Squared” bowling shirts and wear them with pride.

    Our ex-ex-president, Mike Robles, had the valves on both his GS and the ones on his heart checked.  The bike was fine, but Mike needs a valve adjustment and goes in for the procedure in a few weeks.  Our thoughts are with him and we look forward to seeing him out on the road again soon.

    I can’t believe how lucky I am to have such great friends, great roads, and great events each and every month.  Appreciate our shared good fortunes and take care of yourselves and others.  Ride safely (and often!).

    Cheers, Gordy  (Your Once and Future RCBPREZ)

The River City Beemers BMW Motorcycle Club is a recognized enthusiasts BMW club and is not associated with BMW AG nor BMW North America.
Copyright © 1982 - 2017 All Rights Reserved
River City Beemers • PO Box 2356 • Fair Oaks • CA • 95628
is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization.
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