Welcome to the River City Beemers Website

  • Thursday, April 09, 2020 8:51 AM | Anonymous member

    Here we are sheltering in place and working on maintaining our mental health along with our physical health. I am struggling to find a way to make weeding my front and back yards sound interesting and exciting. Our vehicles are all as clean as they were when they were delivered new. Nothing interesting there. I am positive you don’t need my tips on washing a vehicle. All my tires are maintaining their pressures as I am keeping a close eye on them hoping that some day we may be able use them once again. Been moving them around since I don’t wanna develop flat spots. I have developed quite an appreciation for the simple things in life like TOILET PAPER! I get so excited when I see shelves that actually have toilet paper on them not to mention paper towels. It’s the little things folks! What are the hoarders doing with all the toilet paper? They must be sick of eggs and chicken and the rest of the stuff they THINK they need. To get us through this time we need to maintain our sense of humor. As one of my friends in the club said when I asked how he was doing he replied that he had toilet paper and plenty of ammo! Now that is funny!

    So, on to club business! Oh yeah, THERE ISN’T ANY! Looks as though this sheltering in place is helping in the fight against this virus. The numbers look pretty good for California so there is a tiny bit of light visible at the end of tunnel. All club activity has been suspended since 1 March. We just canceled the coast run for the end of this month and only time will tell if other events will also follow the same fate. All we can do is be patient and hope this ends when it is safe to do so.

    So, everyone take care of yourselves and your loved ones. You have plenty of time to make sure your bike is ready for when we get the all clear to return to our normal lives, whatever that turns out to be. I look forward to seeing you all again in a club setting. Until then, everyone take care and be safe.


  • Thursday, March 05, 2020 8:51 AM | Anonymous member

    Well, all we got was a trace of rain in Feb. and that came on the 29th. If it is not gonna rain (I know, we need it!) nice weather is fine with me. The weather has indeed been fine and the last month has been great for riding. I hope everyone has been able to take advantage of it and worked on wearing out a set of tires. I have hardly used heated gear this winter. Climate change I suppose! Next week may bring rain for most of the week and it is still technically winter. We shall see.

    The RCB culinary staff fed the crowd on the 22nd at the A&S Swap Meet. Weather was great, the crowd was large and the burgers and dogs went fast. There were quite a few interesting bikes for sale there including Ray T’s side hack. Hope you sold it Ray! Anyway, it was an enjoyable day even with the cooking thing.

    So, after Sat’s meeting there will be a GPS seminar with Capt. Ken, Terry Lee, and Rich Gay teaching folks how to deal with their GPS’s and Garmin Basecamp. Ken with the Windows folks and Terry and Rich with the Apple users. Hopefully there is a good turn out for this. I have had my share of Basecamp headache so this seminar should really help members get the most from these expensive boxes hangin off our handle bars. They are complex electronics and are not all that intuitive in their operation so all who attend should have a much better grasp of all things GPS!

    Something that completely snuck by us all in the event planning this year was the annual Memorial Poker Run in May after the club meeting. What? How could that happen? I immediately began to freak out cause Bob Highfill and the High Road Goddess Joanie had hosted this event for the last two years and I felt as though it would be too much to ask them to host a third year. What to do? Well, here comes Rich Gay at the BOD meeting who volunteered to host the event this year. FANTASTIC! Thanks Rich and Brenda. Great members and great people. That is makes the club what it is. I am sure The Capt. will have a great route for us.

    Not to get ahead of myself here (I have!) The Coastal Classic which is in Fortuna this year is on April 24th, 25th and 26th.  Information as to lodging is here on the website and Terry will lead a group up Fri. and most likely post other routes up. Thanks Terry. I have booked my room and recommend, if you’re coming that, you do the same. The North coast is beautiful and the roads are fantastic. Bring Gore tex or rain gear tho’ as the North coast can get wet. Quick!

     So, Spring is upon us and so is another great riding season. I am pretty sure we will have at least two new members at this month’s meeting. Welcome them to the fold and make them feel comfortable being new to the club. Sometimes I think we need to do more to make newer folks feel as tho’ the are part of RCB. They are. We all are.  I like this family and I enjoy being part of it.

    I want to thank all of our members who volunteer. From the club officers.  and directors to those that show up to cook burgers and dogs at A&S, to those that put together group rides and post them on the forum. Those who volunteer their RV’s and time to cook for events and ask for nothing in return. Those that organize events and pull them off. Without these volunteers there would be no RCB. Thank you all! I was reading an RCB newsletter from 2007 where then Prez. Gary Stofer (RIP) was railing about lack of volunteers for RCB events. Even then Central Cal. was asking RCB if they were interested in co hosting the Beemer Bash in part because they were experiencing a lack of help. Wow, as Gary stated at the time, “I see a pattern here”. Thanks again to all who help and a shout out to folks who might wanna help and are not sure what to do. Your ideas and suggestions are welcomed.

    Get up to speed on your bike maintenance and get ready for a great riding season! Good health to all and ride safe and often!




  • Tuesday, February 04, 2020 10:59 AM | Anonymous member

    Well, pitchers and catchers will be reporting soon. The 49ers couldn’t quite hold on last Sun. and after the Super Bowl, sports are done for me till baseball fires back up! So…..guess I’ll go for a ride till then.

    The weather last Sat. was outstanding and it looked as tho’ the Capt. had a good squad for the club ride around Berryessa to St. Helena following the meeting. Tom Moe posted a couple of pics on the forum. Looks like Berryessa has quite a bit of water in it judging by the pic of the Glory Hole.

    Took an informal poll of attending members at the meeting and was happy with the number of riders planning to attend the BMWMOA INT’l in Great Falls, Mt. on June 24th, 25th, 26th. Terry Lee has a coupla routes to event that he will post. He also mentioned when coerced that he may be interested in leading a group northward towards the event. Thx. Terry. Jack K. has volunteered to be the the club point of contact for chartered club camping. Even if you are moteling it at the event we need to know you are there for our list of attending members as it would nice if we could win “Most Members in a Chartered Club attending” as we did in Salt Lake. Because not everyone attends the meetings we will post soon on the forum so we can keep a running count on attendees. Looking forward to this run! It will be fun!

    April 24th, 25th, 26th is the Coastal Classic which is shifting to the North coast town of Fortuna. Terry has or will post a number of routes to and around Fortuna. There is contact info under Rides and Events for the  Redwood Riverwalk Motel. Reserve your room now. Should be a fun weekend of riding and camaraderie.

    Feb. 22nd there will be a swap meet at A&S. Randy and Co. have asked us to once again to perform our culinary magic on burgers and dogs. Calling all chefs to assist me in this event.

    Following March’s club meeting we will be holding a Garmin Basecamp GPS class at Jack’s office. The class will begin at 10:30. We will go to A&S following the meeting, then head to the site at 10:00. The Capt. will handle us Droid users with Rich and Terry handling the Apple folks. Bring a laptop and charging cable.

    Watch for your Air Med Care renewals and keep your coverage current. 65 bucks is a bargain for this insurance.

    The RCB store is open. Buy a hat or a shirt. The prices are very reasonable and the club receives a portion of the sale.

    I hope this new year is finding everyone healthy and ready for a busy riding season. We are all members of this club and we all have a voice. Use yours. Have suggestions or concerns or recommendations, talk to me or other club officers and express yourself. The Trinity Spring Classic started as a weekend ride and now it is an event.

    Ride Safe, Ride far, and ride often! See ya on the road!

  • Monday, January 06, 2020 1:19 PM | Anonymous member

    Happy 2020 to all! Here’s to a happy and more importantly, a healthy New Year to all. Especially healthy! Healthy is important to us as motorcyclists, especially if we are eating the miles on our adventures. Big miles and long days require good health. May we all enjoy good health this year and put on big miles!

    After our December club meeting a group of us ventured to the Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento on our annual Toy Run and Burger/dog cooking fest for the kids. It’s nice to provide these children a BBQ lunch this time of year. They all are appreciative of the effort and make it known with their “Thank You’s !” Later in the day we  all gathered at A&S for our annual Christmas Bash. A fine time was had by all. The food was excellent as always and no one went home hungry. Gordy the Elf made a special appearance from the North Pole and assisted in the Xmas raffle. A very enjoyable evening.

    Capt. Ken lead a group of 8 riders on a New Year day ride through the delta country for lunch at Foster’s Big Horn in Rio Vista. This is a fun ride I normally attend but figured I’d give my new hip another week of recovery before I get too stupid. What a great way to start out a new year of riding!

    We are working on a class next month some time to help us all with Garmin BaseCamp and our GPS’s . BaseCamp, if you don’t use it regularly, can be a challenge and a bit of an adventure to download routes if your not in the know. Capt. Ken will be there to help us reduce the mystery that can be Garmin BaseCamp. You will need your laptop, charging cord, Garmin USB to computer cord, and of course your GPS. Stay tuned for more info.

    Based on our quick unofficial poll at the meeting, there is quite a bit of interest in rotating the annual Coastal Classic from Morro Bay to the Northern redwoods and coast. I think that is a great idea! Morro Bay one year, North coast the next. Keeps it interesting I think and who doesn’t love the redwoods and the north coast! More info as this develops.

    I will be working with Randy Felice and A&S to organize a first aid class. I need to go through one again and am sure it would benefit all us as we ride far and wide. Once again, stay tuned!.

    Mark it on your calendars, kids! June 25th thru the 28th is the BMWMOA International in Great Falls, Montana. This should be a good one and, I’d love to see RCB get the most attending from a charter club award as we did in Salt Lake. I will continue to bug you and encourage all to make this run!

    With the new year upon us we need to make sure our medical medivac chopper service insurance is up to date and valid. Easy to let these things get by us and are not important until they are! Just sayin'.

    I know it’s a pain in the butt, but, get your butt down on the ground and check your tire inflation. With all we have to deal with as motorcyclists in the winter time, traction is a huge deal. Wet roads, mud, tree branches, wet paint and all the other garbage we contend with on the road during the winter months your tire inflation doesn’t need to be and shouldn’t be part of the equation. Check your tires and their pressures often. Not a huge deal in a car but, we only have two wheels and two small contact patches to keep us upright so this is kinda of a big deal! Check ‘em folks.

    Once again, Happy New Year to all and I look forward to seeing you all on the road. Be safe my friends!


  • Monday, December 02, 2019 10:39 AM | Anonymous member

    What a difference a coupla weeks makes! November was very warm. We rode 162 and La Porte Rd. just two weeks ago knowing high elevation riding could end in a flash. Guess what? FLASH! We are done till spring. The heated gear was actually used this last weekend when about 10 of us danced around some nasty looking clouds on the Day After Thanksgiving Ride to the Waterloo Inn for a good lunch. Afterwards we made the obligatory stop at Lockeford Meat to purchase some world class sausage. Great ride, great route and a great day! Get your heated gear out!

    Now that we are into our winter months Mother Nature will dictate when we can ride so there isn’t much on the schedule as far as the club is concerned. This weekend, December 7th we have the club meeting as usual followed by the toy run to the Children’s Receiving Home. We will meet at A&S before departing for the home. There is info on the forum as to what gifts we can bring the kids. I understand there are more teenagers this year so check it out. Saturday evening is the annual RCB Christmas Bash at A&S. Check the forum for suggested dishes to bring. Gordy has ordered the Turkey and Ham and the Club will provide beer, water and soda. Bring your preferred flavor of wine if you’d like. A special guest from the North Pole will preside over the raffle. There will be no raffle at the club meeting. Come join in on the fun!

    Speaking of weather, if it permits there may be a New Years Day ride. That’s the plan at this point. It will be an interesting route through the delta, ride a ferry or two and end up in Rio Vista for lunch at Foster’s Bighorn. It’s a great way to start out the new year. Keep an eye on Rides and Destinations.

    I sometimes hear folks talk about what a pain in the butt Garmin Base Camp can be and even tho I manage to stumble around on it, it is a pain. After the Feb. club meeting, those who wish, can join in on a Base Camp class hosted by Jack Klaushie’s office and instructed by our own Captain Ken. You will need a laptop and charging cord and your USB cord for your GPS to import routes into it. Great opportunity to learn Base Camp navigation. Thanks to Jack and Ken.

    Remember, there is no raffle Sat. at the club meeting. Hope to see you all at the Christmas Party Sat. evening! See you all Sat.!


  • Monday, November 04, 2019 12:29 PM | Anonymous member

    Nov. 4th 11:00 a.m. 70 degrees with tons o sun! It’s why we live in California. Speaking of which, what a glorious club ride we had Sat. Our ride leader Capt. Ken took us on a circuitous route to the Priest Grade Café for an excellent lunch. Great crew, great ride and gorgeous weather! We took Wards Ferry Rd. for part of our return route. Wards Ferry has really crappy asphalt, pot holes out the butt and cliffs of death everywhere. WHAT A COOL ROAD! Ask Laura and LeAnne. Safe to say they had a ball on that road. We all did! Perfect day!

    Speaking of Laura, Congrats Laura on your new position on the RCB board of directors. Also to Rich Gay for taking on the position of Membership Director. Thank you Rich! And, after many recounts and investigations into Russian collusion it has been determined that there really is no change in the RCB hierarchy. The club will put up with us for another year at which time I will be hitting term limits and vacating my position as your Prez.

    There will be a Day after Thanksgiving ride this year. That will be on the day after Thanksgiving. Don’t ask. We will lunch at the Waterloo Inn which is a very interesting place. Many of us will visit Lockeford Meat on the return home. Easily the best sausage place on the planet. The Dakota Smoked sausage is the bomb! Join us on the Day after Thanksgiving. Watch the forum.

    Nov. 17th is our annual planning meeting for the coming year. So…..come to the Round Table at 9500 Greenback Ln. in Folsom at 6:00 and assist us in the crafting of next years club events.

    Dec. 7th will be the Toy Run following the club meeting. We will cook burgers at the Children’s Receiving Home. Fred is posting all the particulars for this event. The kids love the motorcycles and are very appreciative of the lunch and gifts. The day will wrap up at A&S for our annual Christmas Party at 6:00 pm. Gordy has posted on the forum. Rumor has it that we will have a special guest from the North Pole. Cool! Come one, come all. Always a fun evening!

    Never to early to start with this. RCB won most attending from a Charter Club at the Salt Lake BMWMOA international. We should do it again at Great Falls Mt. in 2020! The date is June 25th through 28th. Mark it on your calendars and come help us take the title home again. The International is a great event. Tons of vendors and seminars and just plain fun. You should go! You know you want to. Right?

    Everyone needs to bust out their winter gear now! Don’t get lulled into thinking this weather will last. Nothing is worse then not having the correct gear when you need. It’s one thing when it’s warm. It’s a whole different deal when you get cold and don’t have the proper gear. Be pre-emptive and get your gear together! Now! Today! Get it?

    Everyone please ride safe. We’ll see you at the Christmas soiree! Frederd might bring some caviar!

    SEE YA!



  • Monday, October 07, 2019 12:58 PM | Anonymous member

          I waited till we did the Manchester Beach, Gary Stofer Memorial weekend before the Oct. Prez’s Corner was penned. Unfortunately, Linda Stofer could not make it this year as she is recovering from hip surgery. She assures me she will make it in ’20. We enjoyed the brownies Linda! I think I can safely say that weekend was a great time with outstanding weather. I’m not sure if an actual head count was performed but based on website sign ups there had to be 100 of us terrorizing the Manchester Beach KOA. That’s the biggest turn out I’ve seen in my 10 yrs. of being an RCB member. Not only members but many guests were present and I think we all had a great time at the Club meeting grouped around the large campfire. We had the largest raffle give away that I can remember along with a 25/25/50 raffle. The Highfills of High Road Motorcycle gave away a free one day rental that Laura Musgrave was the proud recipient of. Good idea or bad idea? If she rides the new R1250GS low model maybe she will end up with a new GS in her stable? Pre-meeting festivities started with Bartender Fred whipping up the best Bloody Mary’s on the planet! Or, at least at Manchester Beach. Thanks for all the hard work Frederd those drinks were outstanding. And, also a big thank you to Larry (Ya gotta buy Fn tickets) Campbell for bringing up not one, but two jugs of Shake N Bake. Those jugs of goodness were GONE in no time! Thanks again Larry! After the meeting and rafflefest we were treated with an outstanding dinner of Tri Tip, chicken and all the fixin’s dinner provided by the capable folks at the KOA. Great job and I believe dinner was enjoyed by all!  It was so good I have already wrapped up the KOA chefs for next year. All of the work with and for our club is volunteer and the pay sucks! Thanks to all who do what they do to make this thing we call RCB work. You are all important! Here’s to next year hoping Manchester will be bigger and better than ever! There WILL be photos in the gallery. Oh, I learned a valuable lesson if you actually want to sleep at Manchester on Fri. night. DO NOT start a campfire at your campsite. If you build it they will come and, THEY WILL NOT LEAVE AND YOU WILL NOT SLEEP AND THE KOA NOISE POLICE WILL VISIT !  Lesson learned. GREAT weekend.

    Speaking of volunteers, I need a few cooks to help me toss Brats for A&S and their Octoberfest going on, on the 26th of Oct. The good news is we have brand spankin’ new grills to break in for this event. I will post on the forum.

    I know it is short notice but, this weekend the 12thCapt. Ken will be leading a Colors Ride. These are great rides and the weather will be perfect. Go ride with the Capt. and enjoy autumn in the Sierra! There is more info on the forum.

    The riding season is winding down but weekend day rides are all year. We will be resurrecting the Day After Thanksgiving Ride this year which will take us to lunch at the Waterloo Inn. A number of us always drop by Lockeford Meat for the best sausages anywhere. So, keep this in mind and don’t EVEN ask what day the ride is. Yes, it has happened. You don’t wanna be that one. And, if the weather permits we will pull off a New Years Day ride through the Delta to Rio Vista and lunch at Foster’s Big Horn. Ridin’ the ferries is fun. That would be the first! LOL.

    We will be holding an election at the Nov. club meeting as per our bylaws. Anyone who is interested in a position with the club is invited to participate. New blood is always a good thing. I will clarify how many positions will be available for director. Anyone can challenge the Prez., VP…….

    Yep, sad time of the year. I’m putting all the camping gear down for a winter nap in anticipation of a new year. But, it’s not all bad. We are so blessed to live where we do. We live in an area where riding year round is the norm. Nice! Ride far, ride often, and ride safe! See ya on the road!  Mike.


  • Monday, September 09, 2019 10:36 AM | Anonymous member

    Hard to believe it is September already. Seems like yesterday we were still talking about and dealing with snow. Last weekend it was hot for the Gypsy Tour. Typical Aug. temps and then there was 30 degrees at 6,000 ft. yesterday. Autumn is upon us, and soon we will be talking heated gear. Wild.

    The Lady riders day at A&S on the 10th went well. RCB provided the cooks and we did our best to keep up with the throngs of hungry folk. Maggie Mini joined with High Road Adventure’s booth to spread the word on RCB membership. We shall see how that works out. Thanks Maggie! Our lady riders are the best.

    Had a great time at the Sacramento Mile. Not cheap but a great time. And, there’s still about five races left at Fast Friday in the Auburn Fairgrounds. Great family atmosphere and very reasonable. They have a website so check out the schedule. Extreme sidecars later this month. Those are fun races.

    The Tahoe Chill was excellent as always. The Klauschies and Harrises did a great job. The food was outstanding and Hello Bear made a guest appearance in the campsite Sat. night to try Steve’s home made salsa. He liked it and left tooth marks in the ice chest. Thankfully he wasn’t interested in our adult beverages. Friday night was very active bear wise, and that seemed to thin the campsite quite a bit as it was much quieter Sat. Seems a lot of folks don’t care for bears in their camps. Thanks again to Jack, Lynell, Jenny and Steve! Great weekend!

    Eight members ventured to Lassen Nat’l Park last weekend after a scheduling snafu (don’t ask) That park is drop dead beautiful. Thanks to Just Bob Rasters for cookin up Sat’s. dinner. Thanks to Rand Olson for donating the firewood. We were nice and toasty at elevation. Bob Highfill and I did a drive by of Rand’s as he is enjoying Alaska right now. Thanks Rand. Oh, don’t cross double yellows and don’t speed in Lassen. (don’t ask) lol.


    Just a few weeks before Manchester Beach and the Stofer Memorial. The club meeting is at the KOA on Sat. the 4th. So don’t be surprised if no one is at Susie's on Sat. Fred has been toiling in his laboratory for his signature Bloody Marys. Please signup NOW if you plan on dinner on Sat. The club shares in the cost along with the co-pays of the members and it is important to know who is attending. If you're newer to the club and have not attended Manchester, you must. It is easily our nicest event. IMHO. Come to Manchester and see!

    Ride safe, ride far, and ride often! See Ya.


    PS. In order to have and use all functions of the website you MUST, sign in. You will not be able to register for events or rides if you do not sign in. 


  • Thursday, August 01, 2019 12:11 PM | Anonymous member

    Happy August folks! So far, this summer has been very mild for the Sacto. Area. Last weekend was an exception as a group I rode with experienced temps to 106. Hottest temps we’ve seen this year but all in all it has been mild. Get to 5k ft. of elevation or higher and you’ll enjoy reasonable temps and beautiful green vistas. It’s August but still springtime in the high country!

    Speaking of which, this month’s Club ride will take us on a great route where we will dine at the Coyote Bar and Grill in Graeagle. Great grub in a nice little town. Hope you join the ride. Bout 140 miles but you can turn the day into a 300 miler if you go towards Quincy and catch LaPorte Rd. Great road!

    Thanks for the pics and representing RCB at Paonia this year Scott. 8 members are in the pic with the RCB banner. Maybe more in attendance? Beautiful country. Think I’ll go next year.

    Next weekend (Aug. 10) is Lady rider’s weekend at A&S where RCB will flip burgers and dogs for the event. This should be a great event for the lady riders. And, we have some great lady riders in RCB. We will cook from about 11 to 1. Come on down and give us a hand!

    Following this event will be the Sacramento Mile at Cal Expo. The one that got rained out in May! This is flat tracking at it’s best. Lotta fun but bring cash cause it is an all cash event. Large grandstand area so I suspect tickets are still available.

    Aug. 16th is the annual Tahoe Chill hosted as usual by Jack and Lynell Klauschie with Jenny and Steve Harris. This is always fun and the food is always excellent. There are 27 registrants so far with room foe about 7 more. Maybe we’ll even see Hello Bear!

    Friday Aug. 30th is the beginning of the Range of Light Gypsy Tour, which begins in Grass Valley this year. The route is not known till the mornings of Sat. and Sun. Sounds like a lotta fun. Grassy camping, showers, dinner and entertainment. This will be my first time but I hear it is a great weekend. Norcal BMW site has all the info for this event.

    The Lost Creek campout in Lassen Nat’l Park is Sep. 6th with 15 signed up so far. Please sign up soon so we know how many to feed Sat. night.

    The Gary Stofer Memorial Weekend at Manchester Beach sign ups are open now with 25 signed up to date. We usually have 60 to 70 in attendance so sign up early as the KOA needs numbers for the Tri tip and chicken feed Sat. night. Time has a way of slipping by quickly.

    Thanks to Jack Klauschie for the fine work on the newsletter. Well done Jack! Please submit your ride reports and any articles/pics to Jack for the newsletter.

    And finally, I had an experience a couple of weeks ago I would not like to relive. A very dear friend of mine who has had health issues and owns an 06 RT rode the bike down from Oregon to commute to work locally here. Bike arrives Thurs. with no problems. Friend calls Sun. with a dead battery and almost NO tools! Come to find out he keeps his bike on a tender at home. Always! The battery was probably 6 years old or better. He couldn’t remember. The tender gave him a reason to believe his battery was healthy. In reality, the tender kept the battery charged enough to run the bike before being put back on the tender. After arriving in Roseville and sitting a coupla days the battery showed its age and gave up the ghost! GONE! We bought a battery at A&S then I got a roadside lesson in disassembling the Tupperware on an 06 RT in the blazing sun and laying on the pavement. Probably 20 plus screws to remove to remove the panels then lift the fuel tank for battery access. This would have been easier in my garage. Moral to the story? Watch your battery. Do a preemptive strike and change it at home. You’ll be glad you did! See you on the road. Not with a dead battery I hope.


  • Monday, July 01, 2019 4:00 PM | Anonymous member

    July 1, 2019 and summer is finally upon us like it or not. Time to bust out the cooling vests and scarves and go do the warm weather thing. I would say winter is ancient history but it is still hanging around. The Kiltons encountered it the 23rd of June on Mormon Emigrant. 3 miles from 88 and it was downed trees and covered with snow! That was a bit surprising. I know from experience (yesterday) that Wentworth Springs, Mosquito Ridge, and Eleven Pines Rd, are all open and still a great ride! Wentworth Springs Rd. is smooth with great paving but I wouldn’t recommend the other two roads for riders that are reasonably new to our sport. Eleven Pines is pot hole city but fun none the less.

    The Lewiston Spring Classic was excellent..again, thanks to Rick and Cindy Kilton. The chili was great as well as the Campfire Cobbler.  There wasn’t much of anything left. There were somewhere around 30 members in attendance. Couldn’t get them to sit long enough to get a good count. With all the great riding in that country, some folks took their rides and others went to The Somoan Cook House for lunch in Arcata followed by a romp across 36 back to Lewiston. Great ride! One good bit of news is there will be REAL cell service in Lewiston next year as they are building a cell tower right now! Nice to have with  riders scattered around the countryside. Oh, and for those of you in the know, I just received my membership card for the Lewiston Moose Lodge. Now I am really old!

    Kudos to Lynn, Laura and Brian for staying with Leanne after she kicked up something in the road and sprung an oil leak that ended her weekend. The bike was transported to Ozzie’s on a hook. Haven’t heard what the damage was but we’ll find out at the meeting. I hope. Thanks to Lynn for calling me with the fyi. Well done guys. The way it should be done. A number of our riders thought all was well when there was a problem. We will discuss how we will deal with a mechanical situation in the future.

    Upcoming events Club, or otherwise.

    BMW Club of Colorado. Top of the Rockies event in Paonia, Co. July 18th through the 20th.Believe I heard of some members planning to attend. Watch the forum.

    The Tahoe Chill is August 16th 17th 18th. Time to go visit Hello Bear. Attendence is limited due to the number of campsites we have. 36 is about the max that can attend. 21 are signed up now so I wouldn’t wait too long to pull the trigger.  Always a great time!

    Range of Light Gypsy Tour. NorCal BMW club. August 30th 31st and 1st.I haven’t attended this one yet but I am this year. Have always heard great things about this event. Starts in Grass Valley this year and goes to…………you have to go to know. Plenty of info on their website.

    Lost Creek Weekender at Lassen Nat’l Park 20th 21st and 22nd  of Sept. A weekend of somewhat primitive camping. IE: vaulted toilets. Not my wife! We will be feeding the group Sat. night thanks to Just Bob! Beautiful Volcanic Park too experience or take a ride outside the gates.

    This month’s club ride will take us to Truckee where we will dine at Jax on the Trax. Capt. Ken has a nice scenic route planned, so join us. Jax was on Diners, Dives, and Drive-Inns. Yum!

    As always, ride safe, ride often and maintain your ride! Most of all, HAVE FUN!

    See ya on the road!


The River City Beemers BMW Motorcycle Club is a recognized enthusiasts BMW club and is not associated with BMW AG nor BMW North America.
Copyright © 1982 - 2017 All Rights Reserved
River City Beemers • PO Box 2356 • Fair Oaks • CA • 95628
is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization.
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software