by Gordy Olson, RCBPREZ
Hard to believe, but it is already October and 2022 is about to be in our rearview mirrors. It has been quite a year and so far RCB has weathered it extremely well.
My original plan for this month’s Prez Corner was to do a thorough critique of all the problems at the Gary Stofer Memorial Manchester Beach event. I have always wanted to be an investigative journalist and blow the cover off some sordid scandal by exposing all its flaws and shortcomings. Unfortunately, after exhaustive research on every aspect of the event the only problems I could identify were: (1) attendees seemed to be having too much fun and; (2) the weather was too perfect and the riding was too superb! It was almost like I was living in Jimmy Buffet’s world where “The beer is too cold and the daiquiris too fruitful!”
The Manchester weekend was everything the club stands for. We had a fantastic turnout (87 members and guests), great food (some provided by club members and some catered), a roaring fire every waking hour, great scenery, a hot tub, plenty of beer and other libations, and continuous good humor. The event could not have happened without the hard work of many members: Karl and Heidi provided the home base for the event and hosted Friday night’s dinner and daily breakfasts. All the Board members assisted in one way or another. Scott handled the finances expertly (as usual). Fred managed the “Ride to Eat” contest all year and presented the winner with his new set of tires (partially replacing the two sets of tires our winner wore out visiting EVERY RESTAURANT on Fred’s list). Our hosts at the KOA were as accommodating as ever and both they and we are looking forward to next year’s event scheduled for October 6-8. It is never too early to make your reservations, especially if you are planning on renting a Kabin.
This November also marks a very important election. In addition to selecting members of the Senate and House of Representatives (who cares?!???!), we will also be electing new club officers and directors. While those on the left and those on the right will never agree on anything, all RCB’ers can certainly agree on the importance of keeping the club going by selecting folks with the time and commitment to make our great club even better in 2023 and beyond. If you are interested in running, please let me know. We will vote at the November meeting (November 5).
Finally, I want to wish the club a very happy 40th birthday. I see no reason why folks won’t be enjoying the benefits of club membership for another forty years.
Ride safely, ride often, and ride just as fast as you are comfortable going (but no faster!) Gordy, RCBPREZ
One of Northern California's largest and Most active BMW motorcycle clubs