Welcome to the River City Beemers Website

  • Wednesday, February 10, 2021 11:45 AM | Anonymous member

    Here we are in early Feb. and the weather has been outstanding here and there. It will be darn near 70 degrees today. It has been a fairly mild winter and I hope and expect that many of you have been able to get in some good riding throughout this time.

    It has been almost a year since this stinking Pandemic changed ALL of our lives possibly forever. The ups and downs have been aplenty this last year. We’re closed, we’re open, we’re closed, we’re open etc….. stay at home orders and curfews not to mention the mindless hoarding we tolerated.  As stated in past columns riding has not been an issue during the pandemic. Oh, to be sure, protocols affected camping at most all campgrounds but, it could be done and we did and still enjoyed ourselves in spite. Even tho’ some restrictions are lightening up a bit, it may be some time before we get to normal if ever. I hope so as I’m weary of it as I am sure you all are. I understand the reasons for some of it but still yearn for returning to maskless times. Hopefully the vaccines will help brighten the bit of light we are seeing in this tunnel. I know some folks believe in vaccines and some don’t and that is a whole nuther Dr. Phil show which I will not address. We may have never thought this situation would  last as long as it has but one thing is for sure, until we can gather as a club en masse for our regular meetings we will continue on until protocols relax to the point where we can meet without restrictions. Sad but the reality.

    Now, on to what I think is great news! YAY!!!! The news from the BMWMOA is that the plans are on for the Great Falls BMWMOA International June 24-27th in Great Falls, Montana. If you have never been to this event, it should be on your bucket list. These are a ton of fun and you need to attend at least one. I really enjoy the vendors at these events. About anything that relates to motorcycles is available for purchase. The MOA really does a fantastic job with the Internationals. I will contact the Club Camping Chairs to ensure RCB has a site to pitch our tents. According to Tom Moe, our RCB Montana Ambassador at large, motel rooms are filling fast, so if you prefer that route then you should reserve a room soon. This brings up another subject. If you taking your RV to Great Falls it would be fantastic if you could maybe carry a couple of pop ups and ice chest for the club campsite. You would forever be our hero if you would do this for the club! I am sure there will be many route discussions before June but I would recommend including LOLO pass in Idaho as part of your route. RCB won MOST MEMBERS ATTENDING FROM A CHARTER CLUB at the International in Salt Lake City during Pres. Klauschie’s tenure and I think we could do it again in Great Falls.

    So, it seems as though things are improving and I hope they continue to do so for the common good, not only for the club. Everyone stay healthy and I hope we can have a good ol’ RCB monthly meeting complete with a raffle sooner, rather then later! Stay tuned as things WILL change!

    See ya on the road!


  • Monday, January 04, 2021 11:17 AM | Anonymous member

    Finally, The year 2020 is over. Who could have predicted the mess 2020 would become and how it would affect us all.  Many of us continued to ride to places where we would find little to no services and began to develop our “bring your own food” rides and it worked well and actually gave us a bit of a different perspective to our rides and destination. So, that was a good thing. Then we saw the economy begin to open and we began to think things might be returning to normal only to be disappointed by surges in the Covid. It has been a bit of a yoyo thing, which is a bit frustrating. I hope you have all been healthy throughout this time and that no one has contracted the virus and if you have, that you had a speedy recovery and are well. Masks, sanitizer, and having to tolerate toilet paper shortages along with all the other mindless hoarding became the norm. Adios 2020! The bar is set low, so we can only go UP from here I hope.

    In spite of the conditions we tolerated throughout, I hope you all continued to ride during the year. Motorcycles are a great way to social distance and I and my small riding circle have and continued to do just that to include multi-state rides and many weekend day rides. There is no reason to not ride in this time! I think I have ridden as many miles if not more this last year as I ever have. Not sure cause I really didn’t keep track but, based on tire wear I’d bet on it! So, ride on RCB!

    So the good news! We now have numerous vaccines to hopefully end this mess once and for all. When it does, RCB will return strong as ever. I see Manchester Beach 2021 becoming a particularly HUGE event for the club. I feel the club is so ready to see some normal. As soon as things improve, rest assured our club meetings will return. We already have raffle prizes ready for meeting return. We also have an election we need to execute when we return so I encourage folks to think about running for a position in the club. I think it is a great idea to get new blood and ideas in these positions. So, think about it!

    Even though we are locked down now I optimistically feel that our lives will begin to return slowly back to a normal so that we can get our freedom back to do what we do as a club and as humans.

    Be patient my friends, 2021 will be so much better then 2020! How could it not?

    Be well my friends. See you soon!


  • Friday, November 13, 2020 9:21 AM | Anonymous member

    It is November and I wanna wish all of our veterans a Happy Veterans Day/Month! Thank you all for your service. One of a few things I’ve done in my life that I’m most proud of is my service to my country. It was a long time ago but it feels like it was yesterday. Once again, thanks to all that have served!

    Along with Nov. comes quite a change in our weather. Couple of weeks ago it was still in the 90’s and now it is winter riding time. Actually used my heated vest last weekend. Looks like a good chance of rain tomorrow and hopefully it will finish the last of the wildfire season. We rode in more smoke than ever this year. It was a horrible year for smoke inhalation but it is better now. Speaking of fires, we did a ride around Berryessa last weekend and HOLY CROW that whole area is scarred from the fires. Made it to Calistoga and saw a lot of that area also burnt up pretty good. I don’t want to hear the word “lightning” ever again.

    Normally we would be preparing for our annual Christmas party now and it is disappointing we will not be celebrating it together as a club. Who would have thought we would still be where we are in this pandemic thing.  Seems like a one step forward and two steps back deal.  Would like to see some light at the end of the tunnel. And, until we see that light, club activities will remain as they have been this year.

    So, 2020 has been a disaster in mind. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a sky is falling guy but, we have been beat up pretty good this year and I am looking forward to 2020’s exit and maybe a little normalcy for us all. I will keep riding in my small group as riding gives me a feeling of relief and freedom from our current situation. I know many of our members pretty well and I am pretty sure you are doing this also. Riding is the best way I can think of to social distance.

    Here’s a little good news in regard to club activity. Fred 2.0 has contacted The Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento and they are excited about some of the RCB crack culinary team to provide a bbq. lunch for the kids. Dec. 5th is the day. Of course there are Covid restrictions for the facility and the number of members who will be allowed to be on the grounds for everyone’s safety. I assume there will be a toy run as there usually is for this event. Watch the forum as Fred will keep all informed. I know, it ain’t Manchester Beach but it is a beginning! Thanks for your effort Frederd!

    As we enter the holiday season I hope you are all in good health and stay that way. Enjoy your family. Hug them all a lot! With a mask on of course! In spite of our journey through this year, there are still many things to be thankful for.

    Now go for a ride! Have fun! Stay healthy, your family needs you! Hope we can all get together in the new year! Take care all.


  • Monday, October 12, 2020 2:32 PM | Anonymous member

     My apologies folks. Oct. 12th and I am struggling with this month’s Prez Corner.  It is not that I don’t have anything so say, it is just that anything I say will not change our situation as a club and our ability to meet together in our usual large group. Someone asked me recently if we will be having our annual Xmas party and I said I don’t see how we can for many reasons of which I will not go through here. Most of us know why.

    So..in spite of Covid we can still get away and enjoy life even if we have to adhere to safety measures. I don’t know how many  were on site but I’d guess there were probably around 20 or so at Manchester. Most all did their own thing in regard to feeding themselves but it was nice to know there was a presence there. I talked with Yolanda on Sat. night by the big fire pit and brought up the fact that we would have been having our meeting and big raffle right about that time had it not been for the Covid. She was honestly sad we were not there. I could see and feel her sadness. She has been our go to contact at the KOA for a long time. I hope we return in 2021.

    So let’s talk wild fires for a bit. A small group that was going to Lassen Nat’l Park last month were disappointed when ALL nat’l parks were closed in Ca. We shifted to the KOA in Trinity Center and rode the entire area looking for relief from all the smoke in the air. Didn’t matter what direction we rode, there was smoke, never light. We even hit a road closure going to Happy Camp because of fire. Problem was, we were getting very close to having fuel issues and if you have ridden that area you know there ain’t a bunch of fuel to be had up there! Ya gotta think up there and the fires made it more important to plan. The Caltrans crew at the road closure gave one of our riders some fuel to ensure he make it to the next available fuel stop. It all worked out and I think I can say we all had a good time that weekend. Thankfully the smoke has subsided and we can breath little easier now.

    Even with the Covid and it affecting our club activites I can honestly say I have been ridin’ at least as much and probably more then a non Covid year. So yes, we can still get out and I hope you all have, too!

    Winter will be upon us soon but we are lucky to be able to ride all year here in California. Get out and ride and we will all watch and wait for life to return to normal. Whatever that is. I hope it does soon. 2020 can’t go away soon enough in my book.

    Everyone take care and ride safe.


  • Friday, September 04, 2020 11:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Here we are in September and here we are in the same situation of social distancing and not being able to meet in large groups. Who knows when this will end. I’m ready.

    As posted earlier, RCB at Manchester 2020 will not happen as a club event due to pandemic restrictions as they apply to large groups. The folks at the KOA were as disappointed as I when we spoke but, what can we do?

    It’s not all doom and gloom tho’.  Even with Manchester being cancelled this year there will still be a small contingent of motorcyclists at the KOA on that very weekend that just happen to belong to a motorcycle club. We will all be taking care of ourselves and observing pandemic protocol but, we will be enjoying Manchester Beach. If you had a reservation at the KOA for that weekend then you still do. It will be under your name. Whatever reservation you made for that weekend will be honored. So, drop by and say hello, just don’t get too close! LOL.

    Once again, who knows when we will return to being able to gather in large groups. Not during the remainder of 2020 I guess. Until that time, there isn’t a reason in the world why we can’t ride. As motorcyclists we are lucky that riding our bikes is nothing like riding in a cage. NON riders do not understand this. Like a dog hangin’ his head out a car window. He knows!

    So, get out while the weather holds and make some memories in spite of the current situation.

    Do a ride review and send it to Jack Klauschie, our newsletter editor. We can all read about your ride.

    Have fun, ride safe and stay healthy!


  • Friday, August 14, 2020 9:07 AM | Anonymous member

    After speaking with Yolanda at the Manchester Beach KOA it is with sadness that our biggest event will not take place this year. Because of Pandemic protocols the KOA cannot allow groups larger then 6 nor can they provide our Sat. evening feast. Not sure exactly how many years this event has been celebrated but it will not be happening for us as RCB. Sad.

    The good news is, if there is any, would be, if you have a reservation at the KOA, don't worry, your good. A number of us will still be there in spite of our club cancellation, so there will be a small RCB contingent. We will be taking care of ourselves and are responsible for ourselves.

    I know, sucks! Is what it is tho'

    Stay safe and healthy!


  • Sunday, August 02, 2020 11:02 AM | Anonymous member

    Wow! Here it is August already and the pandemic just rolls on. I don’t think any of us saw this long running train wreck going on and on like it has. But, it has, and unfortunately we have to live with it as a hopefully temporary new normal. I am ready for the return of the old normal. Until then, we just have to do this and wait for the pandemic to settle down. Sooner than later WE hope.

    The good news you ask? We own motorcycles! We can’t meet as a large group but we can still ride. I have managed to ride the better part of 5,000 miles in the last month and through all those miles things felt normal. Until we stopped. You know, masks, social distancing etc… We as riders enjoy that freedom and in this difficult time we should embrace it and wear out some tires and burn some fuel! Several riders can still enjoy great days of riding and it is possible to get a good lunch, as many establishments are serving outside these days. Coupla weeks ago we rode 162/Buck’s Lake road to Graeagle for an outstanding burger and on to 49/Downieville to home. 324 miles and home by 4:30. Currently, many camp sites are open. I personally have stayed at a number of KOAs throughout the western states. This can be done while observing pandemic protocol. Often you hear people refer to motorcycle riding as freedom. There you go, and it is true. The daily grind disappears when I am riding and if it doesn’t for you then, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!

    I hope this column finds our members healthy and, I haven’t heard anyone is ill, so I’ll go with no news is good news. I posted months ago that ALL club activities were indefinitely suspended until further notice and nothing has changed in that regard. Until we are cleared to meet in large groups I am seeing the year 2020 as cancelled. Pretty sure none of us like it, but it is today’s reality and until the situation improves we will have to roll with it.

    Major League Baseball just started their truncated season with no fans in the stands and now we hear, because of Covid positive tests of players that the season may end before it really gets going. Strange times folks, strange times! My advice would be, go ride your bike. Now. And a lot. Everything is better during a ride. Until we meet, take care and be safe!


  • Thursday, July 02, 2020 10:43 PM | Anonymous member

    So….here it is July 2nd and we are still dealing with the pandemic. One step forward and one step back. Some days it seems as though the year 2020 has been or will be all together cancelled. Depending on where we reside there have been openings and then a coupla weeks later we see things closing again. Not sure when the craziness will end and as much as I understand the seriousness of the situation I and many of the folks I know are hoping to to see some normal soon! Who knows when that will be and what that normal will be when it arrives. Until that happens there are things we can do to keep us distracted until then. We all know that we can’t come together as a club in a close setting of 50 people or so, so in the mean time we must gather in small squads and STILL ride.

    Scare up a coupla club members and ride to lunch but, take a mask. Some camping areas are open. Go camping. Several members and myself found a KOA open in Bandon, Or.  on Memorial day weekend and enjoyed some fantastic roads both paved and unpaved. Great weekend!

    Just got back from a ten day 7 state 4,200 mile trip through Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Oregon. Absolute fantastic trip but Covid was to be dealt with wherever we went. It didn’t matter, as we went on to ride some epic roads to include Pike’s Peak, Moab, Bryce Canyon, Million $ Highway Co. ,Beartooth Highway Montana, and Lolo Pass, Id. Throw in some dirt roads too! So you can ride pretty much where you’d like but just not in a mob. Go create a memory. You can.

    Until then, ride, take pics and post on the forum. Share your stories with us all please.

    One more thing. I know we are not functioning normally as a club but, please try and pay your club dues when you can. Our dues keep the club rollin’ and, I am sure we all want RCB to keep rollin’!

    Be safe, burn up some tires and stay healthy. We need you in the RCB family! Really!

    Be well my friends,


  • Friday, June 05, 2020 2:18 PM | Anonymous member

    Here it is June 5th already and we are still dealing with the pandemic. I am weary of it and I’d bet most folks are. Most of us see things are beginning to open up but I think we need to be cautious about how we approach daily life post the covid lock down.  Many club members including myself are in the at risk demographic of this virus and until things are under control we should adhere to the advise given by our officials whether individually, we agree with it or not. Restrictions are still in place for large gatherings and until those restrictions are lifted, as a club, I believe it is the responsibility of the club to honor those restrictions for the well being of our members. I hope to see EVERYBODY at Manchester this year.

    So, in the meantime, there is no reason we can’t socially separate via our motorcycles. I have done a lot of that in small groups. Packed a lunch and headed to the hills for quite a few spirited rides. Most camping areas have been CLOSED! Those are beginning to open now, so even if we can’t ride and congregate in masse we can do so in small squadrons! If you do, please take pics and write a story for publication in our newsletter. Take pics and put them in the gallery. Share your experience with us.

    We will get through this. We are beginning to now. We will take what we get until we are free again to do what we do unencumbered by this virus.  Hang in there RCB!

    Ride safe, Ride often, and be well.


  • Tuesday, May 12, 2020 11:08 AM | Anonymous member

    I hope this column finds everyone well and maintaining their sanity during the pandemic. Speaking strictly for myself I am ready for things to open up but, I do understand the caution. SORTA, to a point. As I write this I am watching a Senate hearing in regard to the Pandemic and the possibility of the relaxation of sheltering on both the Federal and State levels and I am still as confused as politicians.

    That being said, the song remains the same. Until some level of “normal” returns to us, our club activity will remain as it has been the last 2 months. All we can do is be patient and hope the opening of the economy comes soon. I know that even places one might camp such as KOA’s are closed to all but “essential workers” whoever that is out in the woods. ALL state campsites as well as picnic areas and rest rooms are all still closed. I’ve checked. To get out, I do venture out on the bike for social separation rides. Traffic for the most part is quite light and places like Downieville and Sierra City are close to ghost towns. Wild. The day rides are beautiful and helpful but I’m looking forward to pitching a tent somewhere. ANYWHERE!

    Things are slowly beginning to open up in phases. Looking forward to phase 4.

    So, while I wait for that to happen, I’m gonna change my oil today in the GS and get ready for the day, hopefully sooner rather then later, when I/we can enjoy each other’s company for a nice lunch together and a much needed camping trip as RCB! It WILL happen.

    Take good care and I look forward to seeing you all very soon!


The River City Beemers BMW Motorcycle Club is a recognized enthusiasts BMW club and is not associated with BMW AG nor BMW North America.
Copyright © 1982 - 2017 All Rights Reserved
River City Beemers • PO Box 2356 • Fair Oaks • CA • 95628
is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization.
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