Spring 2019! May 1st without a cloud in the sky! A glorious day to ride and here I am acting like I can actually type when I should be terrorizing the country side. I’ll make up for it starting tomorrow. We ride all year but, the REALLY good stuff starts now!
Last weekend was the Coastal Classic to Morro Bay. We had an excellent turnout and I believe I can speak for all who attended that it was a great weekend. Great food, fantastic roads, good friends and NO damn rain! Thanks to Terry for his job at cat herding a group ride down and providing a number of different ride options, and to Capt. Ken for posting those routes on the forum. The coastal area is absolutely stunning this time of year. If you haven’t participated in this ride, you should. It is a minimum 700 mile weekend if you just chill Sat. Check out new pics in the gallery.
April the 13th was A&S’s Spring 0pen house and it sounded as tho’ it was a success as it usually is. Thanks to all RCB chefs who prepared flawless Burgers and Frankfurters Flambe’ (sic?) to feed the the starving masses attending this event.
Sat, following the meeting is our annual Memorial Poker run for all of our beloved members who have left us. This year, as their loss has been so recent, we will ride in memory of Tom Reid, Kim Rydalch, and Mike Paetzold. RIP and Ride on wherever you may be friends! We will register at A&S and get route sheets and official Poker Run instructions. I believe the Capt. may be downloading Garmin files for us but don’t hold me to that! We end up in Lincoln where Bob and Joanie Highfill will host the post ride lunch of Tacos with the fixin’s. 50/50 raffle and bonus raffle prizes in store after lunch. Come one, come all!
Tho’ not a club event, Sat. May 18th is the Sacramento Mile Flat Track races at Cal. Expo. We try to go every year and we always have a ball there. Keep in mind, this event once through the gate is a cash only event and they are very proud of their beverages and charge accordingly. And….., if you didn’t know, there is Fast Fridays at the Auburn fairgrounds. Another cash deal but very reasonable and fun for Speedway racing.
Norcal will be hosting their 49er rally at the Mariposa Fairgrounds May 23rd to the 27th. There will be a number of us representing RCB down there. Great riding down there and a lot to do at the rally.
Trinity Classic signups are open for our Lewiston campout June 7th, 8th, 9th and we’ve got a good crew signed up already. Please signup if you haven’t so our hosts, The Kiltons will know how much grub to procure for the Sat. night Chile feed. Another knock it outta the park riding area so come and join in.
And for GS riders, sign up for Scott’s Nevada Outback ride June 21st, 22nd, 23rd . Details are on the forum so sign up early so Scott knows the amount of provisions he will need for that event.
So, there ya go! Should be a great start to a busy riding season. Do your Maintenance, check your tires, inventory your on the road repair essentials and get OUT AND RIDE!!
See ya on the road!
One of Northern California's largest and Most active BMW motorcycle clubs