Here it is April 1, 2019 and this is no joke! It’s raining. Again. I know we need the rain and snow pack but dang, enough already. That being said I’m guessing we’re all ready for some nice riding weather. I’m ready to shelve my heated gear till next winter. Also, it’ll be nice riding cleaner roads. They’ve been nasty this winter with all the water and the potholes seem to be growing. Capt. Ken has posted the club ride for the month and it looks like there’s a possibility it’ll get rained out. Again! Got 4 more days so, maybe the weather folks will be wrong. Weather permitting and if we have enough riders interested we can form a relaxed riding group with Marv Lewis to lead the charge. We will form a relaxed group every month from now forward if needed. We want the club to be rider friendly to all.
April 13thA&S is hosting Their “Season Opener”. Demo rides as usual with a number of vendors to include Klim with all of the latest gear. RCB will assist with their culinary expertise providing chefs to masterfully prepare BURGERS AND DOGS!. There will be a donation jar for Camp Okizu-Kids with Cancer. I am a cancer survivor so this is important to me. I have a few chefs lined up but we could use a few more. Come on down and eat a burger, flip a BUNCH of burgers and have a good day around motorcycles! Perfect.
April 26, 27 and 28 is the Coastal Classic to Morrow Bay. Looks like a good turn out already. This year should be great as the Coastal Highway is open for the first time in a coupla years. Information on lodging is on the forum as well as GPS' files for routes. If you want to go you best secure your lodging now. There may also be camping options if rooms are booked. Should be a great ride and a great weekend.
Next up on May 4thfollowing our meeting we will have our Memorial Poker Run. Since this is a Memorial run I would like to dedicate this years run to both Kim Rydalch and Mike Paetzold who both recently passed. Both of these gentlemen contributed much to RCB through the years and they will be missed around our campfires but not forgotten. Ride on and RIP to our brother riders. All info for the run will be at the May club meeting. The run will end at Bob and Joanie Highfill's house in Lincoln where we will eat a bunch of tacos! After the feast we’ll start tossin cards around and see who wins what. Bob tells me there were 38 bikes at his house last year. I’d like to see us jam up his whole block. Let’s do it!
This meeting (Apr. 6) we will have Sonja Conklin with AirMed Services give us a presentation on their Air Evac services. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If you ride away from home, in the mountains, to other states, this is a no brainer. You pay more for a tire then you do for this insurance, which is reasonable. Everyone in your home is covered whether they be on a bike or in a car. Doesn’t matter. I would rather pay the yearly premium then have to finance a very expensive helicopter ride. Just my 2cents.
So, here’s to a great riding season in 2019. Everyone ride safe, often and keep your eyes on the event calendar. Come ride with us, camp with us, and get to know us. I’ve had more fun and good times, and made more friends with RCB then any other organization I’ve belonged to. We are not bike snobs. We don’t care what you ride. (As long as it isn’t loud. In which case you can ride in back) Come join in!
Gonna go out on a limb and use my friend and ex-Prez Jack’s tag line on his columns,
Thoughts/Suggestions/Insults Welcomed!
See ya Sat.
One of Northern California's largest and Most active BMW motorcycle clubs