Wow, Seems as though it was Jan 1 yesterday and I woke up this morning and it is almost March! Where the heck does the time go? Anyway, here we are anticipating an approaching NEW riding season. NICE! What’s not to love!
In spite of all the wetness we’ve experienced so far this year the nutjobs I ride with have managed to accrue some pretty major mileage this winter while dodging major snow fall, massive floods and pouring rain. We are so lucking to live here as we really don’t need battery tenders unless we have multiple bikes. I’m lucky to have two so I do own a tender. Poor folks back east and in colder parts actually put their bikes into hibernation mode. This is a great place to be a motorcyclist in. My GS is nasty dirty right now and would not be allowed in a Starbucks! That’s perfect cause the coffee costs too much and puts me in a foul mood!
Thanks to Greg and Cyndee Peart for hosting the annual Whale tour in Mendocino taking place this weekend.The first real RCB event of the year. This is their 15th year hosting this event! Thanks again to the Pearts. Go too, and check out the Events calendar to keep up on future events.
We are currently working through the fine tuning of the new website and I feel as though the site is much more user friendly then when it was rolled out. If there is something you see within the site that could be improved,by all means please bring it up. Bring it up at the meeting or approach a club officer or director.Your opinion matters, it’s your club too. Really. This also applies to events. Got a good idea for a new event? Let’s hear it! Got an idea to improve an old event? Let’s hear it! We encourage member participation!
Things have changed a bit within the club officer and director positions. Thanks to all our returning directors. Nice to have and welcome new directors Bob Highfill and Rick Kilton to the fold. I’m honored to have Gordy as my right hand man and RCB VP. His past experience as Prez is invaluable. The website management will now be in Karl’s hands and Scott will manage the club’s fortunes as Treasurer. As always Capt. Ken will be our ride leader. Many thanks to all who volunteer for the clubs greater good. Thanks again to Jack K. for serving as our Prez. It took many MOA Internationals but remember, Jack was the Prez when RCB won the plaque for most represented in a charter club at the Salt Lake City MOA Int’l. That was cool. As always, the entire board of directors and officers will continue working to keep OUR club fun and fulfilling to all members.
Sonja Conklin from AirMedCare Network will make a presentation at next months club meeting that offers air evac services. As riders who are often in every imaginable or unimaginable situation this service is kinda a no brainer in my mind. The policy covers not just you as a rider but any relative under your roof. There is a club savings to join. Sonja will be there for any questions and any help we may need for program enrollment. I bring this up now because I think all members need the opportunity to procure this service before prime riding begins.
Yep, this being my first monthly column as your new Prez I am confident that along with our Board of Directors and Club Officers the future of River City Beemers is in capable hands. As always.
Every ride is an adventure. Ride often. Ride safe.
See Ya!
One of Northern California's largest and Most active BMW motorcycle clubs