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President's Corner February 2018

Wednesday, May 09, 2018 1:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Many apologies for being late. We had two trials in mid-February and March 6. Getting ready for trial is a bit like getting ready to take your life on the road – you must be prepared, know your route, stops and destinations well, be prepared for everything, and be sufficiently flexible to change direction at any moment. Any ride is more fun.

My daughter finished and passed her Basic Rider Course. Now what? Here are a few notions I jotted down for her. As we start another riding season, perhaps we all should ponder these notions.


-     Vision/Perception, Braking, Shifting and Decision-Making

      - Get any of these wrong and you may experience some anxiety. Get it really wrong?  Panic? NO!! Relax, Focus on the exit, and the bike will go there.


-     Reference Points – Vision – Look through the corner to the exit

-     Actively Gage the Topography

-     Ex.: If the road is cut out of a hillside and all you see ahead is sky, there is a near certainty the road turns toward the hillside, perhaps sharply.

-      Reduce Tasks – “Ride The Motor” eliminating shifting and use engine braking

-     Plan Ahead – Get Braking, Down Shifting Completed Quickly and Early

-     Develop Skills/Confidence to Carry More Speed


ID What You Do Well – Practice / Reinforce Those Skills

ID Weaknesses – Build Skill

ID “Bad Habits” – Break Them

            -   When You Make a Mistake, Try To Do It Again. WHAT? Yep, then you have an opportunity to ID the mistake and Break the Habit

Thoughts / Suggestions / Insults / Welcomed / Appreciated


The River City Beemers BMW Motorcycle Club is a recognized enthusiasts BMW club and is not associated with BMW AG nor BMW North America.
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