By Fred Jewell, RCB Prez
Instead of a mileage contest this year, I've come up with a different kind of contest. Visit these sites to collect raffle tickets for a drawing to be held at the next Manchester Beach shindig. All locations are in California, and I used members’ names to come up with sites to visit to earn raffle tickets.
*Contest begins on April 1, 2023, and ends at midnight on September 15, 2023.
*Only RCB members in good standing are eligible to participate and win.
*Contest winner will be determined by drawing at the October meeting at Manchester Beach KOA -YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!
*Contest consists of visiting the sites on the list to collect the corresponding # of raffle tickets for the site.
Each site can only be visited once, and must be visited on your motorcycle. As you visit each site, take a picture of the designated location (as stated on the list) with your motorcycle in it. Note: there are some locations that cannot be reached on your motorcycle, in those cases, a picture of the location will suffice.
*Each site has a # of tickets available, anywhere from a minimum of one to as many as twelve.
*The contest winner will be awarded set of motorcycle tires of his/her choice installed on the winner’s motorcycle.
Here are the locations and the sites to be photographed for the Where’s My Name contest. Starting April 1, all you have to do is travel to the sites on your motorcycle, take a picture of the site specified with your motorcycle in it (when possible), and send the picture to my email or my cell phone. Email is, cell # is 916 230 0951. Please remember to tell me who you are and what your picture is. Also, please realize that, although I tried, I couldn’t get every member’s name into the contest, and the names have no meaning to the location other than similarities. Contest ends on Sept. 15, and the drawing for the tires will be at the Manchester Beach club meeting in October. You must be present to win. Good luck to everyone! Fred Jewell, RCB President (again)
Gordy Olson reminded me of Gorda on US 1, which boasts of having the highest priced gas in the country. Get a picture of your bike and the pumps to earn 5 raffle tickets.
Chris Navarrete, who won last year’s contest, reminded me of Navarro on hwy 128. Take a picture of your bike in front of the general store to earn 5 tickets.
Ken Caruthers reminded me of the town of Caruthers. Take a picture of your bike in front of the “Welcome to Caruthers” sign to earn 3 tickets.
There is a road outside Galt called Ivie Road, spelled just like our own Mike Ivie. Take picture of your bike and the road sign to earn 1 ticket.
Ray Nuguit made me think of Raymond, where there is the Raymond Museum. Take a picture of your bike in front of the museum to earn 3 tickets.
Scott Moseman may not know there is a town in California named Scott Bar, but you can take a picture of your bike in front of the John Scott monument for 7 tickets. It is next to the Community Hall.
Not for Al Morrison as much as for his wonderful wife Angel, you should go to Angel’s Camp and get a picture of your bike in front of the Angel theater for 2 tickets.
Jack Klauschie reminded me, of course, of the town of Jackson. There is a historical landmark for the Argonaut and Kennedy mines on 49 just before town on the right. Take a picture of the plaque for 1 ticket.
Bob Brown has a town named after him called Brown’s Valley (not really, but it sounds good). Get a picture of your bike in front of the Brown’s Valley Garden Center for 2 tickets.
Tracy Buchanan, of course, has to be Tracy, and there is the Tracy Historical Museum in town. Make sure you get your bike in front of the museum in the picture for 2 tickets.
Of course Larry Campbell has to be Campbell, and of course there has to be a Campbell Historical Museum there for you to get a picture of your bike and the front entrance to earn 2 raffle tickets.
Randy Felice and Rand Olson reminded me of the bustling metropolis of Randsburg. Not much there but there is the Rand Desert Museum, and you can take a picture of your bike in front of it for 7 tickets.
I’ll bet Steve Jones didn’t know, and probably not you either, that there is the Jones Family Park in Elk Grove. Get a picture of the sign for 1 ticket.
Bob Lawrence reminded me of Lawrence Livermore Labs in Livermore, where you can earn 2 tickets for a picture of your bike at the front entrance. Just don’t stay too long, you might start glowing in the dark afterwards.
Lewiston is where I thought of Marv Lewis, and where you can earn 5 tickets for a picture of your bike in front of the Lewiston Hotel Bar and Grill. Go in and hoist one in memory of Lois.
Stan and Gloria Davis got me thinking of the town of Davis and their famous Toad Tunnel. Find it at a place called Toad Hollow and take a picture of the tunnel (I don’t think you can get a bike there) for 1 ticket.
Don’t mind the spelling difference, but Karl Weiland reminded me of Carlsbad, where there is the Leo Carillo Historical Park. Take a picture of the sign “Rancho De Los Quiotes” for 9 tickets.
However, Heidi Weiland got me thinking of Heidi’s Pancake House in South Lake Tahoe. Get a picture of your bike in front of it for 4 tickets.
It’s a stretch, but Rick Kilton reminded me of Richvale, where there is a big farm called Lundberg Farms, and they have a sign on the road that you should take a picture of your bike in front of to earn 2 tickets.
Here’s a good one for Nathan Fender in Fullerton. The Fullerton Museum has an exhibit about Fender Guitars, so get a picture of the front of the museum with your bike. Gather 8 tickets and see if they’ll let you shred on a ’56 Telecaster.
Terry Lee has me thinking of Lee Vining and the Mono Basin Museum. A picture of the museum sign and your bike will earn you 4 tickets.
It’s another stretch, but I know there is no place called Williges in California, but there is one called Willits, and that’s close. Get a picture of the town sign over the main street that says “Willits. Heart of Mendocino County” for 4 tickets.
This one could be difficult to get, but Mike Bueche’s name made me think of Buellton, and there’s Mendenhall’s Museum of Gasoline there, and it’s worth 7 tickets if you can get in to take a picture of the entrance.
For Jack “Action Jackson” Weiglein look to the town of Acton where there’s a place to eat called Crazy Otto’s Diner, worth 8 tickets if you get a picture of your bike in front of it. A bonus of 2 more tickets if you can also guess what Crazy Otto has to do with me.
For Maggy and Henry Mini, I took liberties with their name and decided on Mineral. Little did I know that they love to go up there to camp, so if you get a picture of your bike in front of the Volcano City RV park sign you’ll get 4 tickets.
In memory of Stan Paolini I found that there is a road in Valley Springs called Paolini Road, so if you can find any of the street signs that say Paolini get a picture of it for 2 tickets.
For Linda Stofer and in memory of Gary Stofer and their two black Labs, I found a Lab breeder called Stofer’s Labs in Prunedale. It’s a residence, so just get a picture of their driveway at 110 Crazy Horse Road for 3 tickets.
An obvious one for Mike Robles is the town of Paso Robles and the Vina Robles Winery. Park your bike at the main entrance for the picture and earn 5 tickets.
Bruce and Lisa Cornelius got a difficult one in Cornell at the Cornell Winery. Take a picture of your bike next to their old blue pickup truck in front for 8 tickets. The winery’s pickup, not Bruce and Lisa’s.
Another memorial one, this time for Jim Cyran. In the town of Orange there is a Café called Cyrano’s. A picture of your bike in front is worth 8 tickets.
I’m really reaching for this one, but Chuck Talley got me thinking of Talmage, where there is a place called “The City of 10,000 Buddhas”. Get a picture of your bike under one of the arches of the entrance to the city and earn 4 tickets.
Tom Moe reminded me of Mojave and their sign “Welcome to Mojave Gateway to Space” which is worth 6 tickets for a picture of it with your bike.
It seemed obvious to me that Dave Swift should be reminding me of the Swift Transportation Hub in Lathrop, where a picture of your bike at the main entrance is worth 2 tickets.
Another stretch of the imagination is for Ted Alvarez. In Monterey there is the Alvarado Street Brewery, where you should take a picture of your bike in front before you go in and have a cold one. It’s worth 4 tickets.
Continuing with stretching, Ernesto Rivera gets us to Riverside and Mount Rubidoux Park, where there is a castle turret you should get a picture of. I’m pretty sure you can’t get your bike there, but it’s worth 8 tickets.
I found the town of Julian which coincided nicely with Ken Julian’s name, and there is a museum there called the Julian Pioneer Museum. There is a plaque on a rock in front you should get a picture of in order to earn 10 tickets.
Robert Wallace suggested to me the town of Wallace, so I found a place called Decorative Rock Network. You can park your bike under the sign and take a picture to earn 1 ticket.
Chuck Downing reminds me of Downieville and its grocery store, where you can take a picture of your bike in front of it for 4 tickets.
Since Campbell was already taken, I felt Jim Campbell should remind me of Jamestown, and a picture of your bike in front of the National Hotel is worth 2 tickets.
And finally, the highest valued location has to be the “town” of Jewell, where, if you can find it, a picture of the sign for the town is worth 12 tickets. Realize that this may be very difficult, I’m not sure if it’s still there, it was 37 years ago when I was there last.
Here's a gpx file with most of the point locations.
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