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October Prez Corner

Thursday, October 21, 2021 1:49 PM | Anonymous member

Here we are in mid October with the end of the year staring us down. So where are we now in the maybe post pandemic era? Well, we managed to make a showing at the MOA Intl. in Great Falls Mt. There were somewhere around 25 members in attendance. Not the best rally we have seen but kudos to the MOA rally chairs for making it a nice event with all we have been through this last year. We had a good time. We attempted a campout at Lassen Nat’l Park in Sept. but that was thwarted due to the massive Dixie fire. It was getting tough to find areas to ride in this summer as we were pretty much surrounded by smoke and fire. We did get to Manchester Beach for the Stofer Memorial Classic. Didn’t know for quite a while if that was gonna be pulled off but it was. Worst thing that happened I think was the RCB coffee pot was BROKE! The KOA bailed us out with a coffee pot and saved the day.  Fred was the Manchester Barkeeper and kept everyone happy with Bloody Marys. Bruce and Lisa auctioned a quilt off through auctioneer Jack K. to Gordy for 610.00 that went to The Childrens Receiving Home of Sac. Great cause. We had over 70 folks there I believe. Not bad. Weather was fantastic.

A handful of us loons gathered at a dusty campsite in the Nev. High desert on Oct 14th, 15th ,16th  and rode around stirring up dust and raising hell. We had a great time after we thawed out. Our mornings were touching freezing in the mornings. Scott M. was our host and fed us well. Hopefully the Nevada Outback ride will continue on. I know I will go back. That was FUN! This is not a pavement ride.

I talked with Randy at A&S and we are set for the annual RCB Christmas Party. Wasn’t sure at first but yes!, we will have a party complete with our resident Elf in attendance. Information will follow in a thread on the forum. One thing is for sure, there will be no raffle at the Dec. club meeting. All the goodies are raffled at the Gala, Sat. night. The Elf is in charge. Come and enjoy a great evening!

Nov. is election month. There will be NO mail in ballots. You must be present to vote.  I want to urge all members to get involved in YOUR club. Whether it be an officer or a director or in another capacity please throw your hat in the ring. We need new ideas and new blood to keep things fresh! WARNING!!!! The pay sucks! LOL!

So, see everyone at the Nov. meeting. Hopefully the weather is good and we can ride!


The River City Beemers BMW Motorcycle Club is a recognized enthusiasts BMW club and is not associated with BMW AG nor BMW North America.
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River City Beemers • PO Box 2356 • Fair Oaks • CA • 95628
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