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July Prez corner

Friday, July 02, 2021 3:47 PM | Anonymous member

Happy 4th of July everyone. I hope everyone has a great holiday with family and friends. Grillin’, chillin’ and setting off safe and sane fireworks of which, I have a BIG box. I wish you all a great weekend!

About 25 of the RCB crew made it to the MOA Int’l in Great Falls, Montana and for being the first post pandemic get together I’d have to say it was pretty nice effort from all the volunteers that are the MOA. Thanks to them all as it was a good time. The musical entertainment at the event was the best of any of the Int’l’s I have attended. Very good! The number of vendors was a bit light but, that was due to the pandemic I’m guessing. They had one tire vendor that was selling and installing tires and, those poor guys were bustin’ butt from Thurs. to Sun. About 30 of us took the Rally Shuttle to downtown Great Falls for dinner. After we finished dinner we found out the shuttle broke down, which was no surprise as we were chuckling over how poorly the shuttle was running. The shuttle got the last laugh! Here’s a tip. Don’t wear flip flops when riding on a poorly maintained shuttle as they are not comfortable after a few miles of walking! We made it back with some RCBers actually climbing a cyclone fence to get back into the venue. My only regret there is, I got no pictures! I hear flip flops suck while climbing fences. I believe that and don’t need to try it! RCB shared the cost of a 20x40 popup with the Norcal club and that worked out well in the intense Montana afternoon sun. All in all I think those that attended the Rally had a good time.

On a bad note. One of our members had a bad experience with a Montana Mule deer. Mule deer are considerably larger then their west coast cousins. As I understand it our rider missed 2 before hitting number 3. The result was a minimum of a broken ankle and almost assuredly a totaled bike which was almost new. Thoughts go to our fellow club member for a quick recovery. Could have been a lot worse, injury wise. It could have been anyone of us and this is a good reminder to keep constant vigilance while riding through deer country.

Assuming that our recovery from the Corona remains on a positive plane we will continue to resurrect an events schedule for the remainder of the riding season. Watch the forum as we will be updating this next week.

See you all at the club meeting tomorrow and ride safe!


PS. The RCB store is now open. Check it out. Buy a hat or a shirt or whatever. Open till Aug 1st.

The River City Beemers BMW Motorcycle Club is a recognized enthusiasts BMW club and is not associated with BMW AG nor BMW North America.
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River City Beemers • PO Box 2356 • Fair Oaks • CA • 95628
is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization.
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